Browse the postal directory entries in the Sussex OPC database (7554 records)
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1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexWellerEwhurstSpencer HenryMagnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexYoungEwhurstW J(Clergyman)Magnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexHarmerEwhurstRichard(Inn Keeper)Castle Inn.Magnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexHilderEwhurst-(Inn Keeper)White Hart Inn.Magnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexSindenEwhurstAlbert(Inn Keeper)Cross Inn.Magnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexCruttendenEwhurstGeorgeBlacksmithMagnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexBuckEwhurstWilliamBrewerMagnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexHartnutEwhurstThomasButcherMagnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexBootsEwhurstJosiahCarpenterMagnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexHenleyEwhurstJosephCorn dealerMagnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexDawesEwhurstThomasFarmerMagnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexDawesEwhurstWalterFarmerMagnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexEldridgeEwhurstJamesFarmerMagnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexFarranceEwhurstJamesFarmerMagnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexGilfinEwhurstWilliamFarmerMagnifying glass image
1858Directory and Gazetteer of SussexGraceEwhurstHenryFarmerMagnifying glass image

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