Protestation return detail


Old Shoreham.

Parish notes:

Sussex, Bramber Rape: Ould Shoreham Parishe, Februarii the xxvth, 1641. Md., The day and yeare abovesayed, the Minister, Churchwarden of the Parishe of Ould Shoreham aforesayed, whose names are hereunder subscribed, did take the Protestation Commaunded by the Commons House of Parliament, before mee, Henry Goringe, one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County aforesayed, the Churchwarden beeing likewise overseere of the Poore, beeinge a very smale Parishe. We, whose names are here subscribed, have seene all these Persons above written taken the Protestation most willingly, and not any one in the Parish hath refused it.


James Heaver.


"The mark of".

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