Publication date: 06 Jan 1778.
Issue: 11839.
Page: 3.
Name: Thomas Smith.
Marital Status: Not given.
Occupation: Husbandman.
THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued against Richard Smith, of Brighthelmstone in the County of Sussex, Mercer, Draper, Dealer and Chapman, are desired to meet the Assignees of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects, on Wednesday next, the 14th Instant, at Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Queen's Arms Tavern, St. Paul's Church-yard, London, in order to assent to or dissent from the said Assignees compounding, submitting to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing, for a certain Debt due and owing to the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects from Thomas Smith, of Isfield in the said County of Sussex, Husbandman ; and on other special Affairs.