Publication date: 05 Dec 1820.
Issue: 17657.
Page: 2270.
Name: Thomas Morris.
Marital Status: Not given.
Occupation: Farmer.
NOtice is hereby given, that the Partnership between Thomas Morris and Robert Hillman, John Hillman, Henry Hillman, and Charles Hillman, all of Westfirle, in the County of Sussex, Farmers and Copartners, is dissolved ; and notice is hereby further given, that all debts due to the said Partnership, and now outstanding, are to be received by the said Robert Hillman, John Hillman, Henry Hillman, and Charles Hillman, to whom all persons indebted to the said Partnership are requested forthwith to pay their respective debts. — Witness our hands the 1st day of December 1820. Thos. Morris. Robt. Hillman. John Hillman. Henry Hillman. Charles Hillman.