Publication date: 05 May 1761.
Issue: 10102.
Page: 6.
Name: George Stephens.
Marital Status: Not given.
Occupation: Wheelwright.
THE following Persons being Prisoners for Debt, in the respective Prisons, or Goals, hereafter mentioned, do hereby give Notice, That they intend to take the Benefit of an Act of Parliament, passed in the First Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, intituled, An Act for Relief of Insolvent Debtors, at the next General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held in and for the County, Riding, Division, City, Town, Liberty, or Place, or any Adjournment thereof, which shall happen next after THIRTY Days from the FIRST Publication of the under-mentioned Names, viz. Prisoners in the Goal or Prison at HORSHAM in the County of Sussex. Third Notice. John Nash, formerly of Fant in the County of Sussex, Victualler, late of Wadhurst in the said County, Huntsman. John Batchellor, formerly of Rusper in the County of Sussex, late of Cuckfield in the said County, Blacksmith. Robert Paskins, late of Furrington in the County of Sussex, Weaver. Edward Peryer, late of Hayshot in the County of Sussex, Blacksmith. William Peryer, late of Hayshot in the County of Sussex, Blacksmith. William Neale, late of Fiddleworth in the County of Sussex, Farmer. George Stephens, formerly of Eastbourne in the County of Sussex, late of West-Firle in the said County, Wheelwright. John Satcher, late of Horsham in the County of Sussex, Apothecary. Samuel Knight, late of Fiddleworth in the County of Sussex, Farmer and Collier. John Heather, formerly of Newhaven in the County of Sussex, late of Piddinghove in the said County, Farmer and Corn-factor.