UPDATE viewcount SET ItemPK='278',FKBatchTableId='13',ViewCount='556',RegViewCount=NULL,BotViewCount='20' WHERE PKViewId='14821'

Will detail

Will of Robert Durrant of Waldron

Date signed: 02 Sep 1560, Probate date: 11 Jul 1564

In the name of God Amen a thousand five hundreth threscore ye seconde daye of September I Robert Durrant of Waldron make this my laste will & Testament. First I bequeth my soule unto Almightie God. My bodie to be buryed in the churche yard of Waldron. Also I bequeath to John my brother iiiil to be payed unto him at the age of xxii yeres. And yf it happen that the said John my brother do dye before he come to the age of xxii yeres then my will ys that Johan my sister shall have the said iiiil. Itm I bequeth to Joan? my sister xls to be payed to her at the daye of her marage. And yf she do not marrie before xxi yeres old then I will ye said xls to be payed unto her at the age of xxi. And yf yt happen that she dye before she be married then I will yt the said xls shall remaine to Jane my sister. Itm I bequeth to Jane my sister liiis iiiid to be payed unto her at the daie of her marrage. And yf she do not marry before the age of xxi yeres then the liiis iiiid to be payed to her at the age of xxi. And yf yt happen the said Jane my sister to decesse before the mony be due? to be payed then I will yt ye said liiis iiiid shall remayne unto John Sidmer my sisters sonne. And I bequeth unto the same John Sidmer xxs to be payed to him at the age of xv yeres. Itm I bequeth unto Elizabeth my brother Williams daughter xxs &? to be payed? to her self? wthin? one yere next after my decesse. Itm I will to the poore people at the daye of my buriall xs. And all this money above named to be payed by my brother Willm whome I make my executor & he to have for his paines xs. Itm I will that my ii bullocks of xii monethes & the unto to be soulde by myne executor & the money to be distributed by ..... to John Fawkener, Isbell Blaclok, Alyce Timon?, Margaret Wymark, Edward Machin to be payed to them immedyatlie after my decease. Itm I bequeth to Robert Simes a russett cote a blake clothe jerkyn & a canvas doblett my best payre of hose save? one. Itm I bequeth to Thomas Fawkener my best sh... a payre of boots. The resydew of all my goods my detts payed my legacs fulfilled ... to my executor. These beinge witnes John Fawkener, Thomas Fawkener, John Dyne, Willm Bonnyck? By me Willm Jeffreye.

Value of the inventory xiiiil viis viid

(Latin) Proved 11 July1564

Transcribed by:

Dave Woolven.



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