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Will detail

Will of Thomas Durrante of Waldron

Date signed: 23 Mar 1610, Probate date: 02 Jul 1611

In the name of God Amen the three and twentith daye of Marche Anno Dni 1610 I Thomas Durrante of Waldron in the County of Sussex yeoman beinge sicke in body but of perfect remembrance thanks be geven to Allmighty God doe make and ordayne this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge. First I bequeath my soule to Allmighty God my only Saviour and Redeemer and my body to the earth. Item I give and bequeath to the poore people where yt shall please God I shall or may be buried five shillings in money. Item I will that all such debts and dueties as I owe of righte or of conscience to any pson or persons be well and trulye payde and contented by my executors hereafter named or els ordayne soe for to be payde wthout any charges or contradiction. Item I give unto Walgate Durrante the sonne of Edward Durrante my brother thirteene shillings foure pence to be payde when he shall attayne to the age of one and twenty yeares. Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Pettit my servante one ewe sheepe and five shillings foure pence in money to be payde at the ende of his apprentishipp. Item I give and bequeath unto Anne Durrante my daughter forty pounds of lawfull money to be payde to her by my executors when she shall accomplishe the age of one and twenty yeares or at the daye of her marriage wch ether of wch tymes shall first happen. I alsoe give unto my said daughter Anne one bedd furnished wch my wife shall thinke fittest for her the newe cubbord one dozen of napkins and a table cloathe. Item I give and bequeath unto Roberte Durrante my sonne one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be payde to my overseers hereafter named by my executors wthin five yeares next after my decease. The said hundred pounds to be by them putt forth to the best proffitt they can and as in reason they shall thinke good and the proffitts therof to be payde yearly to my executors towards the bringinge upp of my said sonne Robert untill he attaine unto the age of one and twenty yeares or at the daye of his marriage whether of wch tymes shall first happen. And then my will and mynde ys that my overseers shall pay the hundred pounds before mentioned unto my said sonne Robert. Item my will and mynde ys that yf eyther Robert my sonne or Anne my daughter happen to departe this life before they accomplishe their severell ages of one and twenty yeares or els before their marriage that then I bequeath his parte or her parte of them so deceased to goe and remayne to my executors to be equally devided betweene them. Item further I give to Robert my sonne besides his porcion before bequeathed one greate chest one joyned bedsted and one of the best featherbeds two blancketts one coverlett two payre of sheets two feather pillowes and halfe a dozen of the best pewter. Item I give to Thomas Yonge, Mary Yonge and John Yonge the three children of my daughter Constance Yonge the wife of Christopher Yonge to eyther of them two ewe sheepe to be putt fourth to their benefitt presently after my decease. Item I give to my daughter Constance the wife of Christopher Yonge foure ewe sheepe and tenn pounds of money to be payde by my executors wthin one yeare next after my decease and six ioyned stooles. Item I give unto Thomas Durrante the sonne of Thomas Durrante my sonne late deceased thirty pounds of lawfull money of England to be payde when he shall accomplishe the age of one and twenty yeares. And yf Robert my sonne happen to departe his life before his money be due unto him then I will Thomas my said sonnes sonne tenn pounds more before besides that before bequeathed. Item my will is that the proffitts that shall arise or increase both of the hundred pounds bequeathed unto Robert my sonne and the hundred pounds bequeathed unto Thomas Durrante my sonnes sonne shall remayne and continue towards the bringinge of them both upp untill my said sonne Robert shall attayne unto the age aforesaid and after my mynde ys they shall bringe upp my sonnes sonne wth the benefitt and proffitt that shall arise of his portion untill he attaine unto the age of one and twenty yeares aforesaid. And yf my overseers shall mislike the bringinge of them upp then my will ys that they shall take the proffitts that shall arise of their portions and shall provide for their bringinge upp as they in their good discretions shall thinke fitt. Item I geve to Elizabeth Durrant the wife of Thomas Durrant my sonne foure ewe sheepe. Item my will ys that such goods as were my sonne Thomas his at the tyme of his death shall remayne unto his widowe and his sonne Thomas to be equally devided betweene them. Item further my will and mynde ys that John my sonne whom I appointe and ordayne to ioyne executor wth Anne my wife my legacyes beinge once answered ... knowne by them ho..e to be answered that the said John my sonne shall answere and allowe to Anne his mother twenty pounds of lawfull money and the same so payde then the residue of all my goods and chattells unbequeathed I wholly give and bequeath to Anne my wife and John sonne to be equally devided betweene them whom I make executors of this my last Will and Testament. Item I ordayne Thomas Lover, Abraham James and John Willard of Waldron overseers to this my Testament and last Will allowinge unto eyther of them for theire paynes five shillings in money. Item further I give Robert my sonne one chest whereof I have the keye the best table in the parlor a dozen of ioyned stooles to yt six awgers foure chissells one axe and one bill of the best for husbandry. Provided allwayes and my will and mynde ys that my executors in this my Will mentioned shall enter in to bonde to my overseers wthin one moneth after my decease in the some of two hundred pounds of lawfull money for the probation of this my Will and see the? said? payment of these my legacyes in my Will given and bequeathed wch yf they refuse so to doe them my will ys that my will ys that overseers shall take uppon them the probation of this my Will and to take my childrens portions in their hands and to paye them as they shall come to their lawfull age together wth the proffitts wch shall come and growe therof. Thomas Durrante his marke.

Wittnes to this my present Will beinge present at the sealinge hereof Nicholas Tomsett, Mary Lover and William Byshopp

(Latin) Proved before William Imans, Presbro, Surrogate &c 2 July 1611 by John Durrant the son of the deceased and the executor named in the said Will to whom admon was granted &c. Power reserved to Anne Durrante the relict of the deceased and the other executor when she shall apply for the same.

Transcribed by:

Dave Woolven.



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