Protestation return detail



Parish notes:

Sussex: Feb. the 16th Ao. Dni. 1 thousand 6 hundred 40th and one. The severall names of all the male inhabitantes of Torton, of the age of 18th yeares, all weh. have Protested accordinge to the order sent forth by the House of Commons, & directed to us by his Majesties Justices of the Peace for this Parte of the County, for Performance of the sayd Protestation & Vow to maintyn the Protestant religion and diverse more Particulars therein moreover conteyned, whose handes are by themselves subscribed the day and yeare first above writen. None of the Parish of Torton have refused to take the Protestacion aforesayd. By me, Adam Page, Vicar of Torton.


John Hobbin.

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