Browse the SAC article index in the Sussex OPC database (3245 records)
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144, 20060The market-houses of SteyningSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
145, 20070An early fifteenth-century barn at Charlton Court, Steyning, West SussexSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
145, 20070An early fifteenth-century barn at Charlton Court, Steyning, West SussexSupplementMagnifying glass image
146, 20080An archaeological excavation at Steyning Museum, Church Street, Steyning, West SussexSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
22, 18701Steyning and West Grinstead Churches, and the Ancient Castle of KneppSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
131, 199321The Excavation of a Late Anglo-Saxon Settlement at Market Field, Steyning, 1988 - 1989SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
54, 191137Leedes of WappingthorneSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
126, 198853Excavations at Testers, White Horse Square, Steyning, 1985 SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
39, 189455Pedigree and Genealogical Memoranda Relating to the Family of Pellatt, of Steyning, etc (Part 2, concluded from SAC Vol 38)SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
43, 190059Wm Holland, Alderman of Chichester, and the Steyning Grammar SchoolSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
130, 199260Excavations at Steyning New Museum, Church Street, Steyning, West Sussex 1989SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
124, 198679Excavations in Fletcher’s Croft, Steyning, 1967 - 1968SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
59, 191884Farnefold of SteyningSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
124, 198697Excavations at Cuthman’s Field, Church Street, Steyning, 1962SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
38, 189299Pedigree and Genealogical Memoranda Relating to the Family of Pellatt, of Steyning, etc (Part 1 - concluded in SAC Vol 38)SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
10, 1858100Sele Priory, and some Notice of the Carmelite Friars at New Shoreham, and the Secular Canons at SteyningSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image

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