Publication date: 14 Apr 1795.
Issue: 13770.
Page: 345.
Name: Mr. Sommerfell.
Marital Status: Not given.
TO be peremptorily fold, pursuant to an Order of the High Court of Chancery, by Mr. William Ellis, of Horsham in the County of Sussex, on Saturday the 25th Day of April instant, at the King's Head Inn in Horsham aforesaid, between the Hours of Three and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, One Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety two Oak Timber Trees, Hammer marked ; W. E. now standing on Lands called Lodge, Whitbreads and Lyons, in Slinfold in the County of Sussex, in the Occupation of Mr. Sommerfell and Mr. Stanford. Printed Particulars to be had, gratis, of the said Mr. Ellis, at Master Ord's Chambers, No. 10, Lincoln's-Inn, London, and of Mr. Devon, Red Lion Square, London.