UPDATE viewcount SET ItemPK='194',FKBatchTableId='13',ViewCount='805',RegViewCount=NULL,BotViewCount='18' WHERE PKViewId='14186'

Will detail

Will of Emerie Beldom of Kirdford

Date signed: 20 Aug 1630, Probate date: ?? ??? 1631

In the name of God Amen the twentith day of August in the yeare of our Lord God one thowsand six hundred and thirty I Emerie Beldom of Kirdford in the County of Sussex husbandman being in good and perfect remembrance and of whole and sound mind laude and prayse bee unto Almighty God doe make and ordayne this my present Testament therein conteyned my last will in manner and forme as followeth. That is to say. First and above all things I comend and bequeathe my soule unto Almighty God my Creator and maker of mee and all living creatures being in sure and certeyne hope of resurrection to eternal life by the death and passion of his onely sonne our Saviour Jesus Christ whoe redeemed mee and all mankind. And I will that my body bee buryed in the churchyard of Kirdford according to the ancient and laudable custome now used. Item I give and bequeathe to the Cathedrall Church of Chichester foure pence. Item I give towards the reparacons of my parrish church of Kirdford aforesayd foure pence. Item I give unto Annis Tayler my daughter in law five shillings of lawfull money of England to bee payd to her within three monthes after my decease. Item I give unto Edward Alderton my apprentice twoe shillings of like lawfull money of England to bee payd unto him at the end of his apprentiship. Item my will is alsoe that Elizabeth my wife shall holde occupye and enioye the moytie purport or one half of the lands wch I hold by my twoe leases together with my sonne in law Richard Sotcher dureing the terme of yeares yet to come of my sayd twoe leases uppon condicon that hee shall pay half my legacies above given and bequeathed and the one half of my debts. Item my farther will is I doe give and bequeathe unto the said Elizabeth my wife the one half of all my goods and chattells rights and credits to bee equally devided betweene her my sayd wife and the sayd Richard my sonne whome I doe make and ordayne my whole executors of this my last will and Testament. And my farther will and meaning that (betweene the sayd Elizabeth my wife and Richard my sonne) my sayd legacies and my debts bee well and truly payd and

Transcribed by:

Dave Woolven.

Notes about this will:

Contributed by Steve Langridge

NOTE: The rest of this Will goes off the bottom of the page. DW

NOTE: The previous two Wills in the ledger were proved 18 April 1631 & 5 April 1631 in that order. DW



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