Publication date: 07 Jul 1837.
Issue: 19517.
Page: 1744.
Name: George Courtness.
Marital Status: Not given.
Occupation: Harness and Rope Maker.
At the Court-House, at Horsham, in the County of Sussex, on the 28th day of July 1837, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. George Courtness, late of Hurstpierpoint, Sussex, Harness and Rope Maker. NOTICE, 1. If any Creditor intends to oppose a Prisoner's discharge, notice of such intention must be given to the said Prisoner, in Writing, three clear days before the day of hearing, exclusive of Sunday, and exclusive both of the day of giving such notice and of the said day of hearing. 2. But in the case of a Prisoner, whom the Creditors have removed, by an order of the Court, from a gaol in or near London for hearing in the country, such notice of opposition will be sufficient if given one clear day before the day of hearing. 3. The petition and schedule will be produced by the proper Officer for inspection and examination, at the Office of the Court, in London, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, between the hours of Ten and Four ; and copies of the petition and schedule, or such part thereof as shall be required, will be provided by the proper Officer, according to the Act, 7 Geo. 4, c. 57, sec. 76. N. B. Entrance to the Office in Portugal-street, Lincoln's-inn-fields. 4. The duplicate of the petition and schedule, and all books, papers, and writings filed therewith, will be produced for inspection and examination by the Clerk of the Peace, Town Clerk, or other person with whom the same shall have been directed to be lodged for such purpose, at the Office of such Clerk of the Peace or other person ; and copies of the petition and schedule, or such part thereof as shall be required, will be there provided, according to the Act, 7 Geo. 4, c. 57, sec. 77, or the Act, 5 Geo. 61, sec. 4, c. 11, as the case may be.