Publication date: 26 Dec 1871.
Issue: 23811.
Page: 5851.
Name: Letitia Bates.
Marital Status: Not given.
In Chancery. In the Matter of certain Copyhold Lands and Hereditaments known as Legs and Sedges Farm, containing 70A. 0R. 32p. or thereabouts, situate in the parish of Fletching, in the county of Sussex, and settled by the Will of William Goord, deceased; and in the Matter of an Act of Parliament made and passed in the Session held in the 19th and 20th years of the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled "An Act to facilitate Leases and Sales of Settled Estates. " 1871, B. 321. —Between Letitia Bates, the Wife of the Defendant Harold Bates, by Thomas Adams, her next friend, Plaintiff; and John Langdon, Sarah Goord, Spinster, an infant, Harold Bates, Lewis Langridge, and George Goord, Defendants. PURSUANT to the above-mentioned Act of Parliament and the Consolidated General Order of this Court in that behalf, notice is hereby given, that on the 6th day of December, 1871, George Goord, of Uckfield, in the county of Sussex, Grocer, Harold Bates, of Hayward's Heath, in the county of Sussex, Tailor, and Letitia, his wife, Henry Phillips, of No. 12, Arthur-street West, in the city of London, Tea Dealer, Sarah Goord, of East Grinstead, in the said county of Sussex, Spinster, an infant under the age of twenty-one years, by the said George Goord, her next friend and guardian duly appointed by Order of this Honourable Court, Lewis Langridge, of Danehill, in the parish of Fletching, in the county of Sussex, Farmer, Ann Griffin, of West Cliffe-gardens, Sandgate-road, Folkestone, in the county of Kent, Widow, Jane Goord and Mary Goord, both of West Cliffe-gardens aforesaid. Spinsters, Fanny Goord, of High-street, in the city of Canterbury, Spinster, and John Langdon, of Bunch-grove, in the parish of West Hoathly, in the county of Sussex, Bricklayer, presented their Petition to the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, to be heard before his Honour the Vice-Chancellor Sir John Wickens, praying that the sale to John Chatterton, of Birch-grove Lodge, East Grinstead, in the county of Sussex, Esquire, of the copyhold lands and hereditaments above-mentioned, and known as Legs and Sedges Farm, in the parish of Fletching, in the county of Sussex, upon the terms of a certain memorandum of agreement dated the 14th day of February, 1871, in the said Petition set forth, might be authorized by the Court; and that the said sale might be Carried into effect; and that the said petitioner John Langdon might be ordered to surrender or assure the same lands and hereditaments to the said John Chatterton, his heirs and assigns; and that the £1350, the balance of the purchase money to arise by such sale, with the £59 for timber, and the interest thereon, less the proportion of rents as therein mentioned, the net amount to be paid in to be verified by affidavit, might be paid into the Bank of England, with the privity of the Accountant-General of the Court, to the credit of the above-mentioned cause, Bates v. Langdon, 1871, B. 321, "Proceeds of Sale of Testator's Real Estate, subject to Incumbrances, " or else to the account of the said Accountant-General exparte the said petitioners, as directed by the above Act, to be dealt with as the said Court should see fit to direct; or that his Lordship would make such further or other Order in the premises as to his Lordship should seem meet. And notice is also hereby given, that the petitioners may be served with any Order of the Court, Or of the Judge in Chambers, or notice relating to the subject of the said Petition, at the offices of Messrs. Smith, Stenning, and Croft, situate at No. 70A, Aldermanbury, in the city of London. — Dated this 22nd day of December, 1871. SMITH, STENNING, and CROFT, 70A, Aldermanbury, London, E. C. , Solicitors for the Petitioners.