In the name of God Amen The fourth day of Aprill Anno Domini one Thousand six hundred fourty twoo I Edward Alfray of Gullidge in the parish of East Grinsted in the County of Sussex gent beinge weak and sickly but of perfect memorie (God be praised therefore) Doe make this my last will and Testament in manner following First I comend my soule to God my maker hopeing through the merrits of Jesus Christ my Redemer to obtayne life ever lastinge and my body I comitt to the Earth till the day of Resurrection to be decently buried in the Church of East Grinsted afoursaid by mine Executor Item I give to the poore of East Grinsted fforty shillinges Item I give to my two younger sonnes Richard & John six silver spoones twoo silver salts and one silver bowle to be equally divided betwixt them by mine Overfeers Item I would have all my debts my funerall and the charges of my will payd first out of my personall estate (soe farr as itt will runn) by mine Executor whome I appoynt to be Edward mine eldeft sonne And afterward I would have my said sonne Edward receive all the rents and revenues of all my Lands and Tenaments and therewith pay the [---] of my debts soe [---] as may bee and soe [---] as he may [---] money thereout to doe the same to bringe to his own [---] in the meane tyme five pounds a yeare for his mayntenace And likewise payinge and allowinge to Hester myne eldest daughter out of my said rents in the meanetyme till my debts shall or may be paid five pounds a year payable half yearly by equall [portions] as my rents shall come in for her maintenance And to Anne my youngest daughter other five poundes a year payable in like manner for her maintenance And to Richard my second sonne fifty shillinges a yeare payable in the same manner for his maintenance And to John my youngest sonne fifteen pounds a year payable in like manner for his Maintenance And next after all my debts shall or may be paid as aforesaid Then I will and appoynt all the rents and revenues of my said Lands and Tenements (the tymber and wood excepted) to my said eldest daughter till she shall or may receive thereof the full sume of twoe hundred and fifty pounds for her [portion] in the meane tyme she likewise allowinge out of my said rents five pounds a yeare to my said eldest sonne and five pounds a yeare to my said daughter Anne and fifty shillings a yeare to my sonne Richard and fifteene pounds a yeare to my sonne John payable in manner aforesaid for theire maintenance And after my said eldest daughters [portion] shall or may be soe paid I will and appoynt all the rents and revenues (except the trees timber and woods) of my said Lands to my said daughter Anne till she shall or may receive thereof the full some likewife of two hundred and ffifty poundes for her [portion] she likewise in the meane tyme makinge the payments and allowances aforesaid for my other childrens own mayntenance except my eldest daughter and her owne without [---] of any of my said daughters owne [portions] And if my said daughters or either of them shall happen to dye before theire [portions] shalbe paid haveing noe child of her owne bodys lawfully begotten liveinge then my will and minde is that their or her [portion] soe dyeing childless or soe much thereof as shalbe then upaid shall goe to my said threes sonnes equally and to the survivors or survivor of them Item after my said daughters [portions] paid I will and appoynt all the rents and revenues of my said Lands and Tenements (except as excepted) to my sonn Richard till he shall or may receive thereof the full some of three hundred pounds for his [portion] hee likewise in the meane tyme alloweinge out of my said rents five pounds a yeare to my eldest sonne and fifteene poundes a yeare to my youngest sonn payable in manner aforesaid Item next after my said sonne Richard [portion] paid as aforesaid I will appoynt all my rents and revenues of my Lands and Tenements (except as before excepted) to my son John till hee shall or may receive thereof the sume of three hundred pounds for [portion] hee alloweing to my said eldest sonne five pounds a yeare payable as aforesaid And if either of my said twoe younger sonnes happen to dye childlesse before his [portion] be paid then his [portion] or soe much thereof as shalbe behind shall remayne to my other twoe sonnes equally And if both my younger sonnes dye childlesse before payment as aforesaid Then their [portoions] to remayne to my eldest sonne Item after all my debts legacies and [portoions] as aforesaid payd I will devise all my Lands Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever and wheresoever theire [---] named to [--ward my eldest sonne to the heires males of his body begotten And forwant of such issue to Richard my second sonn and to the heires males of his body begotten And for want of such issue to John my third sonne and to the heirs males of his body begotten And for want of such issue to my owne right heires forever Item if my said Executor shall not pay my said debts soe farr as money may be made out of my [---] or personall estate and [---] out of the rents and revenues of my Lands as aforesaid accordinge to this my will and the true meaneinge hereof or shall refuse to be ordered and issued by myne Overseers or the greatest part of them in the performance of any part of my will or of any thinge remaineinge the same then my will and meaninge is that hee shall loose all the Benefitt of this my Will And then I will and devise all my Lands and Tenements with theire appurtenances after my debts and [portions] paid as aforesaid to my sonn Richard and the heirs males of his Body begotten And forwant of such issue to my sonn John and to the heires males of his body begotten And for want of such issue then to my said sonn Edward and the heirs males of his body begotten And for want of such issue to myne owne right heires for ever And likewise if there shall arise any doubt or mistake or quarrell or contention in any thinge concerninge this my will amongest my said children or any of them Then I would have them to repaye to my Overseers before they beginn any suite there upon and to be ordered and ruled by them my said Overseers or the greateft part of them [---] hee or she of my said Children that will not be soe ordered and ruled shall loose his or her [portion] And I doo appoynt Thomas Dyne Henry Faukoner Walter Smith gent and John Dungate yeoman to be Overseers of this my will intrustinge them to ayde and assist my said Executors and the rest of my Children with their best advice and counsell touchinge the same And if any of my said Children shall happen to dye before payment of their [portion] haveinge one or more Children of their body lawfully begotten then liveinge my will and meaneinge is that my Overseers shall receive the rents of my said Lands at such tymes as my said sonns and daughters themselves should have received it if they had lived and imploy the same for my said sonns and daughters Children at their discresions or as the greater part of them shall direct and apoynt And I doe hereby revoke all former and other wills that I have made And doe under my hand and seale confirme this to be my only will Edward Alfrey [---] published sealed and subscribed in the prefence of Anthony Ayoe ~ the marke of Anthony Maynard the mark of A---] Maynard
The next part of his will is in Latin, but it was proved in London on 4 April 1643
The above will was transcribed by me, Mandy Willard, on 20 February 2004, and revised on 26 March 2006, from a digitised copy of the original document, ref PROB 11/191. The word [portion] throughout the document looks like porion.