UPDATE viewcount SET ItemPK='189',FKBatchTableId='13',ViewCount='339',RegViewCount=NULL,BotViewCount='9' WHERE PKViewId='14192'

Will detail

Will of William Langridge of East Grinstead

Date signed: 20 Aug 1597, Probate date: ?? Nov 1597

In the name of God Amen the six and twentith day of August in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand fyve hundred nynety seven I William Langridge senr of Eastgreensted in the county of Sussex ......... sicke in body but of good and perfecte remembrance thanks bee unto Almighty God doe .... and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following. That is to saye. First and before all things I bequeath my soule to Almighty God trusting to bee ..... by the onely merits death and passhon of my Saviour Jesus Christe. Item I give to the .... of Eastgrinsted aforesayd three shillings foure pence wthin one month next after my decease to bee payed. Item I will to every of my Godchildren that doe demand it fouere pence a peece. Item I will to Susan ...grove? twenty shillings of lawfull money of England to bee payd to her wthin one yeare next after my decease. Item I will to ..... Stanbrige? ...................... of my ............. Eastgrinsted ....................... occupacon ............of lawfull money of ............... every .............. naturall [the rest of the page is black totally unreadable. DW] .......... and her ....... the sayd Burgage .................. taken to ............. thereof they bee ....... provided alwayes that ......... as my wyfe .... keepe and .....my daughter Stanbrige .... children meate ..... meet and .......... that the sayd ........ forty shillings shale or .................... tyme after ...... decease .... Langrige ..... and his heyres shall provide for .... sayd daughter Stanbrige and her children placed in the house & backside ...... wherein Robert Godden? nowe ..... wthout any rent or other charge therefore? That .... and for so long .... of their dwelling freely there the sayd yearely rent of forty shillings shalbe also suspended? And my very worthy ..... is .... fortune my sayd daughter Stanbrige to dye and ... of her children then living shalbee within the age of twelve yeares. Then ........ so many of her sayd children as shalbee wthin the age of twelve yeares towards theire .... and mayntenance one annuity or yearely rent of forty shillings of lawfull money of England issuing .... of my sayd Burgage ........ and .... wth the appurtenances in Eastgrinsted .... aforesayd to bee payd unto them ...... during & untill their severall ages of twelve yeares quarterly by equall portions from and next after their ... mothers decease. And yf yt .......... ........ payment [the rest of the page is black totally unreadable. DW] ........................ John Langrige my sone and his heyres for so long tyme as they or any of them ........... my sayd daughter ....briges children then living before their sayd ages of twelve yeares that for so long tyme .... the sayd .... shalbee suspended?. And provided alwayes that if my sayd daughter .... brige or any of her children .... any tyme hereafter demand .... for any .... or chattels? ..... John Langrige my son ..................... Stanbrige her husband late deceased that ..... aforesayd .... of forty shillings ...... severally to her and to her children shalbee utterly voyd and ...... Item I will to Robert Goden? and Fortune his wyfe my daughter ............ appurtenances called .................. in Eastgrinsted .... John Hayner? occupacon to .................. to the sayd Robert ............................... and to the heyres of the ................... my daughter .................................. Joane my ........................... and ............. wth the appurtenances in the ................ Eastgrinsted nowe in ............................. have and ..... her during her life. And ................ my land? at ................ six yeares next ................. the rents ........ to her all ........... my best ............ And all .............. is ..... and [the rest of the page is black totally unreadable. DW] .... of Richard Lisnes? land and my ... wch I have ......... towards her ........ provided alwayes that yf any of my daughters theire husbands or their assignes doe demand or sue? myne executor at any tyme hereafter for all or any parte of any ..... or money that ..... to my lands wch they or any of them have or shall .... by any devise or gifte of theire sister .... late deceased that then all legacyes then before given by this my will to any such of my daughters that shall make or cause to be made any such demand .... shalbee utterly voyd and of none effecte. All the residue of my goods and chattells not given nor bequeathed after my debts payd and this my will performed I give wholy to John Langrige my sonn whome I make my sole executor of this my present Testament and last Will and overseers hereof I make Edward Thoyne? of Burlingcate? and Edward ..... of Eastgrinsted .............. I give for their paynes herein to bee taken five shillings a peece. In witnes whereof have I the sayd William Langrige to this my present Testament and last Will sett my seale and name the daye and yeare first above written. William Langrige.

Read published sealed and delivered in the presence of John ......................

(In Latin) This Will was proved .................... November .......................

Transcribed by:

Dave Woolven.

Notes about this will:

This will was contributed by Steven Langridge

NOTE: Transcribed from an appalling copy. DW

*NOTE: A typed heading to the copy says that the testator lived 1538 to 1597, this Will was probably proved 1597. DW



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