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Will detail

Will of Joan Langridge of East Grinstead

Date signed: 01 Nov 1671, Probate date: Not given

In the name of God Amen. I Joan Lungridge of East Grinstead in the County of Sussex being sick in body but of perfect mind and memory the Lord be praised do make and ordain this my last Will and testament in manner and form following first I bequeath my soul to God that gave it me trusting through the mercies of Jesus Christ my Saviour to inherit everlasting life and my body to be decently buried by my Executrix hereafter expressed Impris I give to the poor of East Grinstead ten shillings It[em] I give to my brother William Lungridge one twenty shillings piece of gold. I give to my brother Richard Thompe gent one twenty shillings piece of gold. I give to my kinsman Richard Freebridge gent twenty shillings in gold. I give to my kinsman Thomas Moore[? – name disappears into binding of register] gent twenty shillings in gold. I give to my kinswoman Joan the wife of Thomas Moore my silver tanker [tankard] after the decease of my sister Judith Lucas and lastly I do make my wellbeloved sister Judith Lucas my full and sole executrix And do give unto her all my goods and chattels whatsoever paying my debts and legacies my funeral expenses charges And hereunto I have set my hand and seal the first day of November Anno 1671 and in the three and twentieth year of the reign of King Charles the Second. The mark of Joan Lungridge witness hereunto Phillip Taylor his mark Stephen ?Kene

Transcribed by:

Steven Langridge.



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