In the name of God Amen I Bridgett Langridge of East Grinsted in the County of Sussex widdowe being of good and perfect memory doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in maner and forme followinge. That is to say. First I comend my sowle into the handes of Allmighty God my maker hoping assuredly by the merritts of Jesus Christ to bee made pertaker of his death and resurrection and my body to the earth to bee buryed in decent maner. Item I give to the poore of the parish of Eastgreensted aforesayd the somme of twenty shillinges of lawfull English money to bee distributed by my executor hereafter herein named. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Bridget Cole the somme of twenty shillinges and allsoe one featherbed one feather bolster two pillowes two payre of flaxen sheetes two blancketts and one rugg. Item I give and bequeath to my other three daughters Johane, Judith and Elizabeth Langridge to every one of them the summe of twenty poundes of lawfull English money. Item I give to my granndchild John Langridge the summe of five poundes of like lawfull money. And to every other my granndchildren the somme of twenty shillinges a peece. Item I give to my sonne William Langridge and to Mary his now wyfe and to each of them twenty shillinges of like lawfull money. And my will is that all the afforesayd legacyes bee payd wthin three monthes next after my decease. All the rest of my goodes and chattells (my legacyes being payd and my funerall expences discharged) I give and bequeath to my sayd three daughters Johane, Judith and Elizabeth Langridge to bee equally devided amongst them. And further I doe heereby will and appoint my welbeloved freyndes Daniell Rogers and Robert Pickering gent to bee executors of this my last will and my will is that my sayd executors bee allowed all their chardges and expences to bee disbursed in and abowth the execution of this my sayd last will and Testament. In wittnesse whereof I have heere unto sett my hand and seale the twentyth day of May Anno Dni 1646. The mke of Bridgett Langridge.
Read signed sealed and published in the p’sence of John Pickering, the mke of William Langridge junr
(in Latin)This Will was proved at London before Robert Wiseman, Doctor of Laws, Surrogate to Nathaniel Brent, Doctor of Laws, Master Keeper of the Prerogative Court lawfully constituted 23 June 1648 by Robert Pickering one of the executors named in the said Will to whom admon was granted, power being reserved of making the like grant to Daniel Rogers the other executor.
Transcribed for and contributed by Stephen Langridge.