In the name of God Amen the thirteenth daye of June in the yeare of our Lord one thousand fyve hundred and ninety I Edward Langrige of East Grinstead in the Countye of Sussex yoman whole of mind and perfect remembrance thanks be to God doe ordaine and make my last will & Testament in maner and forme followinge. First and before .... I bequeathe my soule to Almightye God .................. and my bodye to be buryed in the Christian buryall. Itm I geve to ye men of ... vid. Itm I bequeathe to William & Edward my sonnes my stocke of tymber ymplements and tooles? belonginge to my shopp indefferently to be ................. that my mind is that they doe ........... together soe longe as they wth the ............ of my ovseers & other their frendes ............ soe to doe. Alsoe I will to Edwarde my sonne and to hys heires all my lands called .......... appertenances ............... keepyng two kyne for his mother durynge her naturall lif ........... he shall keepe hys owne soe ... my said wife .......... after my descease .... all her right in the same duringe to Edward my sonne or ... bounden to him that she shall not clayme ... dower ... the same. Alsoe it is my ....... that Wm my sonne shall have the joynt ..... of the saide ......... wth the said Edward .............. of my said wife and the said William to be at half the charges as well of .... the said kyne ... the other charges thereof ... I bequeathe to my said wife two kyne the best ..... and alsoe my mare? Itm I bequeathe to my sonnes William & Edwarde either of them ..... and all things thereto belonginge to be delivered to them imediatlye after my wyfes discease. Itm I bequeathe to William my sonne my browne cowe? wch I late bought ...... ................................of my daughters Mar...... Judethe and Rose vl a peece. The eldest to be payde to her or her assignes wthin two yeares next after my discease by fyftye shillinges a yeare ..... Judethe to be .... wthin two yeares next after my discease by fiftie shillings a yeare. Anne to be pd at her age of xxii yeares. And likewise Rose to be payd at her age of xxii yeares. All wch legacyes bequeathed to my said daughters shalbe paid by William & Edwarde my sonnes out of my stock and ymplements wch I have geven them. Alsoe I will that .... be ... keepe? ... the ... as the said William & Edwarde my sonnes ... her naturall life yf she will abid wth them. Alsoe I will to William my sonne & to his heires my burgages and park land wth appertenances wthin the .... of Estgrynsted after my wives descease ...... tyme .... that my said wife shall have the use ... and ... ........ park lands wthout payinge or ....
Transcribed for and contributed by Stephen Langridge. The will continues on another page that is missing. The copy is of a very poor quality. The researcher gives the testator as 13 June 1590, I shall take the probate date as 14 July 1590.