Browse the postcards and images in the Sussex OPC database (17504 records)
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Thumbnail of an image Ifield - BrooksideUnknownA 821910Street Scene713Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - Friends Meeting HouseR A Postcards Ltd, LondonUnknownPlace of Worship958Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - Friends Meeting HouseUnknownA 89c. 1930Place of Worship861Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - Golf CourseR A Postcards Ltd, LondonUnknownLandscape768Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - Plough InnTullett, H1908Public House888Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - Red GablesUnknownP 611917House815Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - St Margaret's ChurchHandwerk, R & G (Pictorial Centre)1907Place of Worship898Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - St Margaret's ChurchUnknownA851914Place of Worship965Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - St Margaret's ChurchUnknown1908Place of Worship957Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - St Margaret's ChurchLondon View Co.c. 1910Place of Worship965Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - St Margaret's ChurchUnknownA184Place of Worship941Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - St Margaret's ChurchUnknownPlace of Worship934Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - St Margaret's ChurchUnknown10397NonePlace of Worship921Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - St Margaret's Church & War MemorialR A Postcards Ltd, Londonc. 1920Place of Worship901Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - St Margaret's Church (Effigy of Knight)Set of Engravings Publisherc. 1850Place of Worship908Magnifying glass image
Thumbnail of an image Ifield - St Margaret's Church (Interior)Unknownc. 1910Place of Worship956Magnifying glass image

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