Publication date: 23 Dec 1873.
Issue: 24047.
Page: 30.
Name: Thomas Cheesman.
Marital Status: Not given.
Occupation: Timber Merchant.
The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. In the County Court of Sussex, holden at Brighton. FIRST aud Final Dividend of 2s. in the pound has been declared in the matter of proceedings for liquidation by arrangement or composition with creditors, instituted by Thomas Cheesman, residing at Henfield, in the county of Sussex, carrying on business at Southwater, West Grinstead, Kingston, and Ashington, in the said county, under the style or firm of Cheesman and Co. , Timber Merchant, and will be paid by me, at my office, No. 7, Union-street, Ship-street, Brighton, in the county of Sussex, on and after the 23rd day of December, 1873. — Dated this 16thday of December, 1873. P. G. CLARK, Trustee.