Browse the SAC article index in the Sussex OPC database (3245 records)
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13, 18611Some Memorials of Old LewesSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
65, 19241Anne Of Cleves’ House, Southover, LewesSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
68, 19271Excavations in the Caburn, near LewesSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
93, 19551The High Street LewesSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
98, 19601At the Sign of the Bull, LewesSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
100, 19621The Building of the County Hall, Lewes, 1808-12SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
82, 19413Barbican House, LewesSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
92, 19543Newcastle House, LewesSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
2, 18497On the Early History of Lewes Priory, and its Seals, with extracts from a MS ChronicleSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
133, 19957The Excavation of a Bronze Age round barrow at Round-the-Down, near Lewes, East SussexSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
143, 20057Beaker occupation and development of the downland landscape at Ashcombe Bottom, near Lewes, East SussexSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
70, 19299The Barbican, Lewes CastleSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
100, 196212The Restoration and Repairs to the Front Elevation of County Hall, Lewes, 1958SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
116, 197831Lewes Quakers in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
102, 196433A Note on the Architectural History of Lewes PriorySAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
143, 200535Beaker and Early Bronze Age activity, and a possible Beaker valley entrenchment, in Cuckoo Bottom, near Lewes, East SussexSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image

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