In the name of God Amen the eighte daye of September Anno 1611 I Thomas Durrante of Heathfeild in the County of Sussex beinge sicke in body but of good and perfect remembrannce thanks be geven to God for the same doe ordayne and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme followinge. First and principally I commende my soule into the hands of Allmighty God my only maker and Redeemer. And my body to bee buryed in decent Christian buriall. Item First as touchinge the disposition of all my lands I will to be solde by my loveinge neighbours and freends John Moore, Richard Page, Walter Osbourne and Jonas Fuller of Heathfeild. And the money arisinge therof to be equally distributed and devided by the above named persons unto Priscilla my loveing wife and to Stephen, Elizabeth and Thomas my nowe lyvinge children. And yf eyther of them doe happen to dye before they shall come to their severall ages of one and twenty yeares then the parte and porcion of the partye so dyinge to be equally devided amongst the rest then livinge. All the rest of my moveable goods I will and bequeath to Priscilla my wife whom I make my sole executor she payinge my debts and dischardginge my funerall and bringinge upp of my children in decent sorte. And yf Priscilla my wyfe shall happen to marry before my said children doe come to their severall ages as abovesaid then my will and mynde ys that the party who shall marry wth her shall putt in sufficient bonds to my overseers for the dischardge of my childrens portions and bringinge upp well of them. And I desire my trustye freinds my brother William Heathfield and Thomas Shepard my neighbour to bee my overseers to this my last Will and Testament and then to have eyther of them twelve pence besides their reasonable expences touchinge the execution of this my Will. The signe of Thomas Durrante.
These beinge wittnesses William Heathfeild, the signe of Arnold Heathfeild.
(Latin)Proved before William Imans, Presbro, AM, Surrogate &c 19 October 1611 by Prissilla Durrant the relict & executrix to whom admon was granted &c.