Publication date: 24 Feb 1795.
Issue: 13755.
Page: 192.
Name: John Hammond.
Marital Status: Not given.
Occupation: Miller.
Whitehall, February 15, 1795, WHereas it has been humbly represented to the King, that threatening Letters, of which the following are Copies, were put into the Post-Office at Petworth in Sussex, towards the End of December last, 1794; which Letters appear to be of the same Person's Hand-Writing. Sir this is to let you know your Mill will be puld downe and flower will be tooke all awy for you Millers and Fammers one all agreed to starve us poor but to let you know we will suner fight than starve thre is your brother dale as bad as you and many more what you can think of yourself we do not know but we will sun se the Route en so take or ells. Directed for Mr. Hamman Miller Dunkton Suffex. Sir this is to let you know that if you do not loer your flower your Mill will be pul'd downe and your come and flower will be took away for we will not worke hard and starve much longger and you are one that pinches us to a high degree so take care mr, dale or ells. Directed for Mr. Will. Dale, Miller, Petworth, Sussex. His Majesty, for the better apprehending and bringing to Justice the Persons concerned in writing and sending the Letters above mentioned, is hereby pleased to promise His most gracious Pardon to any one of them, (except the Person who actually wrote the said Letters ) who shall discover his or her Accomplice or Accomplices therein, so that he, she or they may be apprehended and convicted thereof. PORTLAND. And, as a further Encouragement, we do hereby offer a Reward of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS to any Person making such Discovery as aforesaid, (except as is above excepted) to be paid upon Conviction of any one or more of the Offenders, by us, John Hammond, Miller, Duncton Mill. William Dale, Miller, Petworth Mill.