UPDATE viewcount SET ItemPK='285',FKBatchTableId='13',ViewCount='1651',RegViewCount=NULL,BotViewCount='44' WHERE PKViewId='14177'

Will detail

Will of Ralfe Pope of Buxted

Date signed: 21 Mar 1616, Probate date: 28 Aug 1621

In the name of God amen : I Ralfe Pope of Buckstead in the Countye of Sussex esquier beinge sounde and well in body and of good and perfect remembraunce (laude and praise be given to allmightye God therfore) doe ordaine and make this my last will and Testament the one and twentith daye of Marche in the yeare of oure Lorde God one thousand sixe hundred and sixteene

Inprimis I doe give and bequeathe my Soule unto allmightie God my ffather to Jhesus Christe my Redeemer and to the Holy Ghoste my Sanctifior My body to the Earthe from whence it came to be buried accordinge to the discreacon of my executor in full assurance and hope throughe the free mercye of Allmightie God in Jhesus Christe my Saviour and Redeemer whoe for me and for my synnes hathe once for all offered himself uppon the Crosse to have full and free remission of all my Synnes And that my body shall at the last daye be raysed againe an incorruptible bodye unto eternall glorificacon which for the Electes sake I moste humblye and hartelie beseeche the allmightye and all mercifull God to hasten and bringe to passe that together with them I maye be made p[ar]taker of the moste comfortable & surpassinge ioyes prepared for us in the kingdome of Heaven

Item I doe will give and bequeathe unto the Pore people of the Parishe of Buckstead and others which shall happen to be at my buriall Six poundes of lawfull monye of England to be distributed at my buriall by the discreacon of my overseers of this my last will and Testament. Item I doe give will and bequeathe unto my sonne Nicholas Pope Three hundred poundes of lawfull monye of England To be payde unto the sayd Nicholas Pope within three yeares next after my decease.

Item I doe will give and bequeath unto my daughter Suzan Pope Three hundred poundes of lawfull monye of England To be payde unto her when shee shall come and attayne unto her age of one and twenty yeares.

Item I doe give will and bequeathe unto my dauther Cicelie Pope Three hundred poundes of lawfull monye of England to be payde to her the sayd Cicelie Pope when she shall come and attayne unto her age of One and Twentye yeares.

Item I doe further will & my mynde is that my eldest sonne Sackvill Pope whome whome I purpose to ordaine and make executor of this my last will and Testament shall from and after my decease fynde provide and allowe unto my sayd sonne Nicholas Pope sufficient meate drinke apparell & lodgeinge meete and convenient for him to have and weare untill suche tyme as his porcon before herein to him bequeathed shall become due and payeable Orels in defaulte therof shall yearelie after my death so allowe give and paye unto him the sayd Nicholas Pope the some of Twenty poundes of lawfull monye of England quarterlye to be payde by even and equall porcions for and towardes his mayntenance and Lyvinge untill suche tyme as his porcon before herein bequeathed unto him shall become due and payeable

Item I doe further will that my sayd sonne Sackvill Pope shall yearelie and everie yeare after my deceasse give and paye unto my two daughters Suzan & Cicelye Pope the some of Twenty markes a peece quarterlye to be payde by even porcons for & towardes theire mayntenance and Livinge untill suche tyme as they and everye of them respectivelie shall accomplishe and come unto theire severall ages of one & twentye yeares yf they shall fortune soe longe for to live.

Item I doe make and ordaine my sayd Sonne Sackvill Pope executor of this my last Will & Testament And forasmuch as I the sayd Raphe Pope am indebted and doe owe unto divers & sundrye porsons by Specialties and otherwise divers and sundrye Sommes of monye which my earnest desyre will and mynde is beinge true and instedebts shoulde be trulye and instlie payde by my eldest sonne Sackvill Pope beinge my heire and whome before in this my present will I have made my sole & only executor And fearinge leaste my personall estate in monye, Goodes moveables Cattels Chattells and debts shall not be sufficient to discharge my sayd debts and lykewise to performe & satisfie the Legacyes and bequests before herein specified given and bequeathed wherby it maye come to passe that all or the moste parte of this my will maye be left unperformed contrarye to my intent and meaninge Therfore my will and mynde is that my sayd sonne Sackvill Pope shall not be executor of this my last will and testament nor take any benefitte by the same unlesse he the sayd Sackvill Pope shall within three monethes next after my decease become bounde unto Thomas Pope of Staple June gent my brother and John ffoster of Eastborne in the Countye of Sussex gent my Sonne in lawe with sufficient Suertie or Suerties suche as the sayd Thomas Pope & John ffoster shall well lyke of in one obligacon of the some of Twoe thousand poundes condiconed for the true payment of all my debts within convenient tyme after my decease to be limitted and appoynted by them the sayd Thomas Pope and John ffoster And of all my Legacies and bequests before herein given and bequeathed as they shall become due & payable and the true performance of this my last will and Testament Orels shall within the sayd three monethes nexte after my deceasse at his owne proper costes and charges acknowledge in due fourms of Lawe and Statute Staple of the some of Two thousand poundes unto the sayd Thomas Pope and John ffoster with a deseasonment for the true and and inste payment of all my debts within reasonable and convenient tyme after my decease to be limitted appoynted by them the sayd Thomas Pope and John ffoster and of all my Legacies and bequests at suche tyme and tymes as they shall become due and payeable and the trewe performance of this my last will and Testament And if my sonne Sackvill Pope shall refuse or doe not within the sayd Three monthes next after my decease enter into and become bounden in suche Band or obligacon as aforesayd or acknowledge suche Statute unto the sayd Thomas Pope and John ffoster as aforesayd Then my will and mynde is and hereby I doe will give and bequeath unto my Sonne Nicholas Pope all those my mannors of Hendale and ffrancklins with all and singuler theire or everie of theire Rightes members and appurtenances And all other my Landes, Tenements and Hereditaments with thappartenances scituate lyenge and beinge in the severall parishes of Buckstead Mayffield Wevelsfield Lynfeild Cuckfield and Ditchlinge in the Countye of Sussex To have & to houlde to him the sayd Nicholas Pope his executors adminstrators and assignes from and after the ende of three monethes next after my decease for and duringe the Terme of one and twenty yeares then next ensuinge fullie to be compleate and ended uppon this condicion that he the sayd Nicholas Pope his executors administrators and assignes shall take uppon him or them the performance of this my last will & Testament And shall paye and discharge all my debts within convenient & reasonable tyme after my decease and all my Legacies and bequests before herein given and bequeathed as they shall become due and payable. And shall lykewise performe this my last will and Testament And then alsoe my will and mynde is And hereby I do make and ordaine my sayd sonne Nicholas Pope sole and only executor of this my last will and Testament And I doe make constitute and appoynte my trustye and welbeloved ffrends Thomas Pope my brother John ffoster my Sonne in lawe and Edward Bawtre gent overseers of this my last will and Testament Most earnestlie intreatinge them to see and to the uttermost of theire power to cause this my last will and Testament in all thinges to be performed accordinge to the true intent and meaninge thereof in witntnes whereof I have hereunto putt my hand and seale the daye and yeare before specified Raulfe Pope Published to be the last will of the sayd Ralfe Pope in the presence of Jo ffoster. George Graye. Sydricke Dyer

Dicesimo octavo die mensis Augusti anno Domini millesimo sextentesimo dicesimo primo oma navit Comisso Sackvili Pope filio normali et legitimo dicti defuncti ad asministrande bona inra et credita eiusdem defuncti eo quod Nicholaus Pope unus executore (sub limitacombus et condiconibus in eodem testamento mentionate noiatus) ex certis can... onm et animn s.... in eaparte inoven oneri exocuronis testi prodicti expresse remveianit Et ex eo quod perfatus Sacvill Pope executorum predictorum alter condiconos nominillas in dicto testamentam yo mentionatin.... tenorem dicti Testamenti et intencoem defuncti non prosbitit ab officio executoris fuit et est o.. inre exelucus et deprivatus de bono etc jurat

Transcribed by:

Jacqui Hart.

Notes about this will:

Catalogue reference PROB 11/138 Piece Name of Register: Dale Quire Numbers: 64 - 109


Perogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers.

This will also mentions these parishes:

Mayfield, Wivelsfield, Lindfield, Cuckfield, Ditchling.

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