Source Detail


Bexhill St Peter Burials Register 1799-1837.


Lynn Ransom Burton.

Data quality:

Secondary evidence.


Coverage: 26 Nov 1799 to 14 Dec 1837
FHL film # 1364151
Page numbering is inconsistent in source.
A section ends at 24 Dec 1812- next section repeats 1812 burials from Sep 30 to Dec 24 (same as before) then continues with 1813. The new section starts with page 41.
Note in record 26 Sep 1824 - "Should a reference be made to the Register of the burial of Phillipa Linsdell, who died in the year 1824. N.B. She was buried March 26, 1829. This is done to obviate any future difficulty in finding the Register." .



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