UPDATE viewcount SET ItemPK='211',FKBatchTableId='13',ViewCount='883',RegViewCount=NULL,BotViewCount='15' WHERE PKViewId='14371'

Will detail

Will of Thomas Braby of Amberley

Date signed: 27 Aug 1630, Probate date: 05 Apr 1631

In the name of God Amen the seaven and twentith day of August in the yeare of our Lord God 1630 I Thomas Braby senior of Amberly in the County of Sussex yeoman being now sicke and weake in body but of perfect mind and good memory thanks bee given unto Almighty God doe make and ordayne this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following. First and principally before all things I render my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ by whose death and passion I hope of the forgivenes of all my sinnes. And my body to bee buryed as becometh a Christian man in hope of a ioyfull resurrection at the last day with the rest of the blessed Saints of God. And as for those temporall goods and chattells where with God hath blessed me in this world I devise the same in every respecte as hereafter enseweth. Item I give and bequeathe to my eldest sonne Thomas Braby the some of twenty shillings. Item I will give and bequeathe unto the three children of my sonne Daniell (vizt) Thomas Braby, Rachell Leonard and Mary Braby to each of them twenty shillings a peece all wch legacies I will shall bee payd within one yeare next after my decease. Item whereas there is a debt of forty shillings due to mee by my sonne in law Thomas Wood I will that each of the children of the sayd Thomas Wood bee payd out of the sayd forty shillings the some of three shillings foure pence provided allwayes my meaning and intent is that my executor here under named bee noe whit charged with the sayd legacies of three shillings foure pence but yf any of the sayd children doe at any tyme contend with my sayd executor for such their portion then my will is that hee or shee soe contending shall lose the benefitt of this my will and I give them soe contending nothing. Item I will give and bequeathe unto my daughter Elizabeth Wood twelve pence. Item I give and bequeathe unto my grandchild Thomas Braby aforesaid more then the sayd legacie of twenty shillings one peece of gould of eleaven shillings. All the rest of my goods and chattells whatsoever not given and undesposed I will give and bequeathe unto my sonne Danyell Braby whome I make and ordayne my full and whole executor of this my last will and Testament revoking all former wills whatsoever heretofore by mee made I declare this to bee my last will Testament and true meaning. In witnes hereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written. Signed Thomas Braby senior.

Signed and sealed in the presence of us Henry Spencer and William Leonard his marke

(In Latin) Proved before the Rev William Nevill 5 April 1631 by Daniel Braby the natural son & executor of the said deceased to whom was granted admon.

Transcribed by:

Dave Woolven.

Notes about this will:

Contributed by Steve Langridge.



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