In the name of God Amen I Daniell Braby of Amberly in the Countie of Sussex yeoman being sicke in bodie but in perfect remembrance thankes be to Almightie God do here make my last will & Testament in maner and forme folowing. First I bequeath my soule to Almightie God my maker and Creator and to Jesus Christ my Redeme4r and my bodie to be buried in the Churchyard of Amberlie aforesayd. Item I give to the Cathedrall Church of Chechester twelve pence. Item I give to the Church of Amberlie twelve pence. Item I give to Daniell Short my grandchild ten pounds to be payd to him when he shale accomplish the age of one and twentie years and if he shalle happen to die before he com to the age of xxi years that then my will is that it shalle remaine to the disposing of my executor. Item I give to Marie my daughter eight pounds to be payd to her within one month after my decease if her husband pay to my executor foure pound which he oweth me otherwise my will is that my executor shall pay her but foure pound. Item I give to William Leonard my grandchild tem shillings. Item I give to Sara Leonard my grandchild twentie shillings to be payd to them at the age of xxi years and if it hapen that any of them to die before they com to that age that then the remainer to have the others porcion. And if it happen that they both should die before they come to the age of xxi years which God it defend that then my will is that their porcions shalle remaine to my executor. Item I give to Elis Hopkin my kinsman fortie shilling to be payd to him at the age of one and twentie years and if he happen to die before he come to that age that then my will is it shall remaine to my executor. Item I give to the poore of the parrish of Amberlie five shillings. All the rest of my goods not given nor bequeathed my debts payd my funeralls discharged I give to Thomas my sonne whome I make my sole executor. And I do make and ordaine my welbeloved frinds Thomas Hopkin and Richard Batmanson overseers of this my last will. In witnes hereof I have here unto set my hand and seale the 28th day of July in the yeare of our Lord God 1637. The marke of Daniell (X) Braby
Sealed signed and published in the presence of Thomas Hopkin, Richard Batmanson
(In Latin) This Will was proved 25 September 1641 by Thomas Braby the son and executor named in the said Will to whom admon was granted &c
Transcribed for and contributed by Stephen Langridge.