Protestation return detail



Parish notes:

Thomas Hudson, Minister of Cowfold, and William Freeman, one of the Churchwardens of the said Parish, and Edward Ellis, Constable of the halfe hundred of Windham, and Ralph Vincent and Thomas Browning, Overseers of the poore there, did take the Protestation dated Die Mercurii 5th Maii, 1641, and sent downe to them from the Parliament, the 17th day of February in the yeare aforesaid, in the presence of Ralph Cowper, Esquire, and Thomas Middleton, Esquire, two of His Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid; And the same Protestation was afterward tendered by the Minister, Churchwarden, Constable and Oversseers aforesaid, to the rest of the inhabitants of the said Parish that were above the age of eighteene yeares, and taken by them all whose names are under written, February 23, 1641.


Nicholas Morrell.

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