Church document details


The London Gazette.


Notice of intent to unify the Benefices of North Chapel and Ebernoe.


8 Feb 1927.


At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 7th day of February, 1927.


The KING's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

WHEREAS the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England have, in pursuance of the Union of Benefices Measure, 1923, duly prepared, and laid before His Majesty in Council, a Scheme hearing date the 9th day of December, 1926, in the words and figures following, that is to say: —

"We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, acting in pursuance of the Union of Benefices Measure, 1923, have prepared, and now humbly lay before Your Majesty in Council, the following Scheme for effecting the union of the Benefice (being a Rectory) of North Chapel and the Benefice (being a Vicarage) of Ebernoe, Holy Trinity, both of which Benefices are situate in the County of Sussex and in the Diocese of Chichester:

"Whereas Commissioners appointed at our request by the Right Reverend Winfrid Oldfield, Bishop of Chichester, pursuant to the provisions of the said Union of Benefices Measure, 1923, to inquire into and report upon the union of the said two Benefices of North Chapel and Ebernoe, Holy Trinity, duly made their Report to the said Bishop of Chichester, and therein recommended the union of the said two Benefices and the terms for effecting the union, and the said Bishop of Chichester signified in writing his approval of the said Report:

"And whereas we, the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, have prepared this Scheme for the union of the said two Benefices based upon the terms recommended in the said Report:

"And whereas the said Benefice of Ebernoe, Holy Trinity, is now full, the Reverend Geoffrey Norton Standish being the present Incumbent thereof, and the said Benefice of North Chapel is at present vacant :

"And whereas the said Geoffrey Norton Standish has consented to become the first Incumbent of the United Benefice, if and when the union which is hereinafter recommended and proposed shall take effect:

"And whereas the Advowson or perpetual right of Patronage of and presentation to each of the said two Benefices of North Chapel and Ebernoe, Holy Trinity, now belongs to one and the same Patron or Patrons:

"Now, therefore, we, the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, with the consent of the said Winfrid Oldfield, Bishop of Chichester (in testimony whereof he has signed this Scheme), do humbly recommend and propose to Your Majesty as follows, that is to say :—

"1. That the said Benefice of North Chapel and the said Benefice of Ebernoe, Holy Trinity, shall be permanently united together and form one Benefice with Cure of Souls under the style of 'The United Benefice of North Chapel with Ebernoe,' but the Parishes of the said Benefices shall continue distinct in all respects.

"2. That upon the day when1 any Order of Your Majesty in Council1 ratifying this Scheme shall be published in the London Gazette the union shall forthwith take effect and the said Geoffrey Norton Standish, if he is then Incumbent of the said Benefice of Ebernoe, Holy Trinity, shall be the first Incumbent of the United Benefice.

"3. That upon the said union taking effect the Parsonage House at present belonging to the said Benefice of North Chapel shall become and be the house of residence for the Incumbent of the United Benefice, and so soon as conveniently may be the Parsonage House at present belonging to the said Benefice of Ebernoe, Holy Trinity, and the site and appurtenances thereof and the grounds heretofore usually occupied and enjoyed therewith shall be sold and disposed of by us the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners at such time or times and in such manner in all respects as to us shall seem expedient and that the net proceeds of such sale shall be appropriated towards the cost of repairing and improving the Parsonage House of the United Benefice.

"Provided always that nothing herein contained shall prevent us from recommending and proposing any other measures relating to the matters aforesaid, or any of them, in accordance with the provisions of the said Measure, or of any other Measure of the National Assembly of the Church of England, or of any Act of Parliament."

And whereas drafts of the said Scheme have been duly published in accordance with the provisions of the said Union of Benefices Measure, 1923, and Notices have been transmitted to the persons or bodies entitled under the same Measure to receive Notice requiring any objections to such draft Scheme to be stated or transmitted in writing to the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners within the time prescribed in the Statutory Rules applicable to proceedings under the said Union of Benefices Measure,. 1923:

And whereas certain objections have been so stated or transmitted to the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners within the time prescribed in the same Rules :

And whereas the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners after giving full consideration to such objections have deemed right to make no alterations in such draft scheme:

And whereas public notice of the certification to His Majesty in Council of the said Scheme and the consent thereto in writing of the Bishop of Chichester has been duly given in the manner and within the time prescribed in the, Statutory Rules aforesaid:

And whereas no appeal has been made to His Majesty in Council within the period of one month after the date of the said public notice in accordance with the provisions of the said Measure against the said Scheme or any part thereof by any person who has made objection as aforesaid to the said draft Scheme:

And whereas the said Scheme has been approved by His Majesty in Council:

Now therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice of His said Council, is pleased hereby to affirm the said Scheme and to order that the Benefices therein recommended to be united shall be united to the extent and for the purposes recommended in the said Scheme, and further to order and direct that the said Scheme and every part thereof shall be effectual in law immediately from and after the date when this Order shall have been duly published in the London Gazette pursuant to the said Measure.

And His Majesty, by and with the like advice, is pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forthwith registered by the Registrar of the said Diocese of Chichester.

M. P. A. Hankey.

Transcription details

Transcribed by: Michael Metcalfe.

Church(es) covered:

Holy Trinity, St Michael and all Angels.

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