Post Office Directory 1851, Pyecombe, West Sussex

Pycombe, or Pyecombe, is a village in the union of Cuckfield, Poynings hundred, rape of Lewes, 6 miles north from Brighton, on the main road to London. The village is sheltered on the north and west by the Downs; there is a neat National School, supported by contributions; the church is a small plain building; the area is 2,320 acres, and the population 564. The benefice is a rectory, tithes commuted at £345 per annum, in the patronage of the Lord Chancellor, and incumbency of the Rev. John Morgan.

Post Office - Henry Andrews, receiver. Letters arrive from London 9.15am; dispatched 7pm.

Morgan Rev. John, Rectory

Andrews Henry, blacksmith
Attwood William, shopkeeper
Beckett Thomas, “Plough”
Blaker George, farmer
Brown William, farmer
Foreman Mrs. Ann, mistress of the National School


Transcribed by Stacey Gardner

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