Post Office Directory 1851, Catsfield, East Sussex

CATSFIELD is a parish in Ninfield Hundred, Hastings rape, with 2,430 acres and a population of 589, assessed at £2,730 per annum. The benefice is a rectory, with glebe house, valued at £311 per annum, and in the patronage of the Earl of Ashburnham; it is 2 ½ miles south west of Battle. Catsfield Place is the seat of Sir Andrew Pilkington, K.C.B.

Booth Edward, esq
Hayley Rev. Burrell, M.A. Rectory
Pilkington Lieut. General Sir Andrew, K.C.B. Church house

Adams Joshua, farmer
Adams Stephen, farmer
Blackman Robert, bricklayer
Carley Cornelius, Shoemaker
Cruttenden Nelson, grocer & butcher
Evernden Edwd. Farmer & wheelwright
Gates James, farmer
Hobbs William, farmer
Irons Thomas, farmer
Johnson Peter, grocer
Sargent George, farmer
Saxby John, carpenter
Simes Joshua, farmer, Catsfield Place
Sinden Joseph, blacksmith
Upfield John, millwright
Winborn John, “White Hart”
Wrenn Frederick, miller
Wrenn James, farmer

Post Office – John Winborn, receiver. Letters arrive from Battle at ½ past 7am; dispatched ½ past 6pm (sun ex. when the dispatch is at ¼ to 12am).

National School – James and Sarah Stamp, master & mistress


Transcribed by Domonic Paul Motto

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