List of Rectors of St Michael's, Berwick, East Sussex

Transcribed from a framed document in the church (photo shown):



There has been a Church on this site for over on thousand years but the earliest records have not survived.

Rectors of Berwick - Framed in the Church - MTCRector 


Thomas Stalyngfeldexchanged with 
William Godlake 1389 or 1390
Thomas Stillingfeldobit1398
Peter Bedaleobit1417
John Swan 1429
James Ledelyn 1455
James Wilson 1485
John Preed 1509
Thomas Fynes 1515
William Fynes 1553
John Wyman 1553
John Jeffres 1556 - 1613
John Nutt, B.A.obit1653
1645 - 1654 the registers bear the signature of Thomas Russell, Minister, a Parliamentarian intruder, put in by Oliver Cromwell.
George Hall 1665 - 1668
Augustine Metcalfe, M.A. 1672
William Nowell, M.A. 1695
John Hawes, M.A.Father1743
John Hawes, M.A.& son1750
Robert Austin, M.A. 1772
William Hawes 1784
Jeremiah Smith 1797
Harry West, M.A. 1846
Edward Boys Ellman, M.A. 1906
Henry Bennett 1912
James Burns, M.A. 1928
Albert Roe 1934
Horace Nosworthy, M.A. 1937
George Mitchell, A.K.C. 1962
Robert Collick 1963
Stanley Merry 1972
David Pope, M.A. 1976
Kenneth Grace, B.A. 1981
Vickery House, M.A. 1990
Peter Smith, B.A. 2002
Peter Blee, B.A.  

Berwick was combined with the Parish of Arlington 1951 ~ 1976
It is now combined with the Parish of Selmeston with Alciston ~ 1976


Transcribed by Mark Collins

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