Details for household:

Enumeration District details:

Number: 6.

Code: RG 9/616.

Description: The whole of the parish of Amberley including the Castle Farm, the Parsonage, 2 streets, the walls & Robinson Farm, The Brooks, Cottages near the stream, Houses on the Greatham Road from Amberley to Houghton Bridge and from Houghton bridge to the Boundaries of North Stoke, the whole of the parish of Wiggonholt from the Rectory and the Banks computed number of houses 109. Computed number of separate families 125.

Enumerator: William Home.

Sub. District: Arundel.

Registration district: Chichester.

Property details:

Address: Wiggonholt.

Type: Inhabited.

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Household details:

Schedule: 100.

Head of household: Not known - relationships not specified in 1841 census.

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