Details for household:

Enumeration District details:

Code: RG 9/581.

Description: Part of the Parish of Lindfield, including Cockran's Farm, Burce House, Colony, Gravely Lane, Sluts Lane, Tyoth Lane, Teroes Rard, Everest Lane, Abrook, Hook Lane, Scaynes Hill, Pellingbridge, ? House, Sloop Hse, Cockhails Mill, Goddleweek, Goddard, Lywood Common, Plat Castle, Payhill, Settle ? m , ? Mascalls, ? Common to Noah's Ark.

Enumerator: William St J Harrison.

Registration district: Cuckfield.

Property details:

Address: East Mascalls Cottage.

Type: Inhabited.

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Household details:

Schedule: 131.

Head of household: Not known - relationships not specified in 1841 census.

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