Browse the SAC article index in the Sussex OPC database (3245 records)
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64, 192381Alfodean Roman StationSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
65, 1924112Alfoldean Roman Station. Second Report - 1923SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
66, 192583Sedgwick Castle 1: HistorySAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
66, 192583Sedgwick Castle 2: Excavations 1923-1924SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
66, 1925241Report from Local Secretary: HorshamReportMagnifying glass image
67, 192685Bignor Bath RecoveredSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
67, 192688Southwick Roman Villa SiteSAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
67, 1926221Two Roman CoinsSAC NoteMagnifying glass image
67, 1926226Report from Local Secretary: HorshamReportMagnifying glass image
68, 192789Excavations at Hardham Camp, Pulburough, April 1926SAC ArticleMagnifying glass image
68, 1927279Roman Coin found at BindertonSAC NoteMagnifying glass image
68, 1927286Report from Local Secretary: HorshamReportMagnifying glass image
69, 1928223Two Sections through Stane Street on Halnaker HillSAC NoteMagnifying glass image
69, 1928232Report from Local Secretary: HorshamReportMagnifying glass image
70, 1929213Charcoal in ExcavationSAC NoteMagnifying glass image
70, 1929219Report from Local Secretary: HorshamReportMagnifying glass image

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