UPDATE viewcount SET ItemPK='216',FKBatchTableId='13',ViewCount='517',RegViewCount=NULL,BotViewCount='14' WHERE PKViewId='17604'

Will detail

Will of John Durrant of Waldron

Date signed: 22 Feb 1564, Probate date: ?? ??? 1566

In the name of God Amen the xxiith day of February in the yere of our Lord God 1564 & in the seventh yere of the Reigne of our Sovraign Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England France and Ireland defender of the faith &c I John Durrant of the pishe of Waldron within the Dioc of Chichester beynge of hole mynde and pfect remembrance thankes be to God do ordayne and make this my psent Testament and last will in man’ and forme folowinge. First I gyve and bequeth my sowle into the hands of Almightye God trustinge by his mercye & by the meritts of Jesus Christ to obtaine remission of all my synnes and when it shall please God to take ... to his mercye my body to be buryed in the churchyard of Waldron aforesaid. Itm I give and bequeth to my iii Godchildren ... that ................ them xiid. I give unto Thomas Dungat xiid. Itm to Margaret Wyte xiid. Also I give unto George Durrant my brother xxs. Itm unto Robert Durrant my brother xxs. And unto Christian Durrant my sister ... xxs. ..... that the said George, Robert and Xpian shall have all my rayment and all my .... ymplements of occupacon. Itm I gyve unto Alice my sister one angel. Itm I gyve unto Hugh Bexlye one crowne of moneye? Itm to my brother George one crowne of money the whiche one .... oweth me. Also I will that Willm Dorrant my father shall have my cheste and all my money there... my cowes together with all my corne ......... The residewe of all my goods if any remayne I gyve unto my mother Johane Dorrant whome I ordaine ........... my ......... executrix of this my p’sent Testament .................. of this my p’sent Testament ............ John Parke, Hugh Bexley & others. ...................Lewes xxvth

Transcribed by:

Dave Woolven.

Notes about this will:

The photocopy of the original is very poor with much of the text covered in black. I have taken the date of probate from the brief summary done by the East Sussex RO. DW



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