UPDATE viewcount SET ItemPK='531',FKBatchTableId='13',ViewCount='592',RegViewCount=NULL,BotViewCount=NULL WHERE PKViewId='30156'

Will detail

Will of William Carter of Westham

Date signed: 12 Oct 1629, Probate date: Not given

In the name of God Amen. The twelfth day of October in the year of our Lord God one Thousand six hundred twenty and nine I William Carter of Westham one of the Jurates of the town of Pevensey in the County of Sussex being sick of body but of good and perfect memory God be praised I do make and ordained this my last will and testament in manner and form following ~ First I commend my soul into the hands of almighty God my Creator and maker And to Jesus Christ my Redeemer through the merits of whose death and passion I hope to have life everlasting And my body to the earth from whence it came Item I give to the poor of the parishes of Westham and Willingdon Twenty shillings apiece to be distributed amongst them at the direction of the overseers of the poor of the said parishes for the time being Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Aurger of Lewes my kinsman forty shillings of lawful money of England to be paid unto him by my Executrix hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto William Carter son of Robert Carter of Lewes aforesaid the sum of forty pounds of good and lawful money of England to be paid by my Executrix within three months next after my decease into the hands of the said Robert Carter his father to the use of the said William Carter upon this condition that the said Robert Carter shall give his bond with one or two sufficient honest one such as my Executrix and Overseers here after named shall hito [hitherto] offer the said payment of the said forty pounds unto the said William Carter his son when he shall accomplish his age of one and twenty years But my true will and meaning is that if such surety as aforesaid shall not be given That then the said sum of forty pounds shall be paid unto the said William Carter by [ my ]Executrix when he shall accomplish his full age of one and Twenty years Also my further will and meaning is that if the said William Carter shall happen to die before he shall accomplish his age of one and Twenty years That then the said sum of forty pounds shall be equally divided amongst the rest of ye children of the said Robert Carter who shall survive to be paid unto them at their several and respective ages of one and Twenty years or dates of marriage which shall first happen Item I give and bequeath unto Johane my loving wife the one half of all my household stuff and also my wood, corn and other provisions in or about my house where I do dwell Item the other half of my said household stuff I give and bequeath unto William Carter my son And my will and meaning is that the said household stuff shall be equally divided betwixt them when my said son William Carter shall accomplish his age of one and twenty years or the date of his marriage which shall first happen Item I give and bequeath unto John Carter my kinsman brother of the aforesaid Robert Carter the sum of forty shillings of lawful money of England to be paid unto him within three months next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my three brothers if they be living ten shillings apiece Item I give and bequeath unto my kinsman Robert Carter of Lewes and Mary his wife five pounds apiece of good and lawful money of England to be paid within three months next after my decease Item all the residue of my goods and chattels unbequeathed unto William Carter my son And I do make and ordaine the said Johane my loving wife sole Executrix in trust of this my last will and Testament until my said son William Carter shall accomplish the age of one and twenty years And when this my said son shall take the Executorship upon himself and she be accountable unto him for all such monies goods and chattels And shall by virtue of the Executorship come into her hands And I desire my loving friends William Heath of Southon in the County of Sussex Gent and Edward Chantler of Laughton in the said County yeoman to be Overseers of this my last will and testament desiring them to be aiding and assisting unto my said Executrix to put to such use and to let such lands as she shall desire to put of and let and to see this my last will and Testament fully performed And I give then full power hereby that if the said Johane my wife shall happen to marry before my said son shall accomplish his age of one and twenty years to take good sufficient security of her to be accountable unto my said son when he shall accomplish his age of one and Twenty years for all such means and monies as shall come into her hands by virtue of this Executrixship And my will and true meaning is that if she shall refuse to put into such security as aforesaid that then my said Overseers shall take into their hands all such lands money as such and let it yearly or otherwise despise thereof at their discretion to the best profit and for the use of my said son until he shall accomplish his age of one and twenty years And my further will and meaning is that my said Executrix shall with advise of my said Overseers purchase and buy lands on lease to the use of my said son William Carter with such money as shall belong unto him But my will and meaning is that if my said son shall happen to die before he shall accomplish his age of one and twenty years That then the lands and said leases by them so bought shallbe and in ? to the use of William Carter son of Robert Carter aforesaid when he shall accomplish his age of one and twenty years And also my will and meaning is that if my said Executrix and overseers shall not happen to buy land and leases as aforesaid And that my said son shall happen to die before he shall accomplish his age of one and twenty years That then I give and bequeath unto the said William Carter son of Robert Carter to be paid unto him by my Executrix when he shall accomplish his age of one and twenty years according as it shall amount unto by my Inventory at the time of my decease without any account for the benefit thereof Item I give and bequeath unto my said overseers three pounds and six shillings and four pence apiece over and above all such monies as they shall lay out about the execution of this my last will and testament In witness whereof I have to this my last will set my hand and seal utterly revoking all former wills and testaments

William Carter

Witness her unto

Roger Godman and Daniell Shoulder Snr

Transcribed by:

Rosalind Hodge.



This will also mentions these parishes:

Lewes, Willingdon, Laughton.

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