UPDATE viewcount SET ItemPK='56',FKBatchTableId='13',ViewCount='631',RegViewCount=NULL,BotViewCount='33' WHERE PKViewId='19700'

Will detail

Will of Edward Peckham of Patcham

Date signed: 17 Apr 1615, Probate date: 26 Jul 1615

In the Name of God Amen The Seaventeenth Daye of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand six hundred and fyfteen Anno 1615

I Edward Peckham the elder of Patcham in the County of Sussex husbandman being weake in body but of perfect mynde and memory thanks bee given to God Doe make and ordayne this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge First I will and bequeath my Soule to God my Creator and to Jesus Christ my redeemer and only saviour and my body to bee buryed in the Churchyard of Patcham

Item I will and bequeath to Henry Peckham my sonne A fornace and A quarrel to grinde malt and two joyned bedsteddles

Item I will and bequeath to the sayd Henry ten weathers

Item I will and bequeath to Richard Peckham sonne of the sayd Henry A brasse pann To bee delivered after the death of Mary my wife

Item I will and bequeath to Mary Peckham daughter of the sayd Henry A posnett To be Delivered after the death of Mary my wife

Item I will and bequeath to Joane Peckham Daughter of the sayd Henry five shillings To bee payd at the ende of two yeares after my decease

Item I will and bequeath unto Agnes Peckham Daughter of the sayd Henry five shillings To bee payd at the ende of twoe yeares after my decease

Item I will and bequeath to my Daughter Agnes wife of Thomas Winchester Tenn shillings

Item I will and bequeath to Elizabeth Agnes Thomas Edward and John the sonnes and Daughters of the sayd Agnes my Daughter and Thomas her husband Twenty five shillings that is every one five shillings A peece To bee payed at the end of twoe yeares after my decease

Item I will and bequeath to my daughter Joane wife of Robert Sumner tenn shillings

Item I will and bequeath to the Children now living of the sayd Joane and Robert Sumner fyfteene shillings that ys five shillings A peece To bee payed at the ende of twoe yeares after my decease

Item I will and bequeath to John sonne of John Welch and of Mary my daughter Deceased in money five pounds To bee payed at the ende of one yeare after my decease and to be ymployed to the use of the sayd John at the discretion of Mary my wife his grandmother and of Henry my sonne and of Thomas Winchester unckles to the sayd John Welch till hee Come to full age to ymploy yt himselfe

Item I will and bequeath to Sara Peckham my daughter one feather bed and all the things belonging to yt that ys A Coverlett and A blankett twoe payre of sheetes A bolster and A pillowe

Item I will and bequeath to the sayd Sara twoe brasse bottles and one brasse pott and halfe A dozen of pewter And I make and ordayne Mary my wife to bee my sole Executor of this my last will and Testament

In Wittnes whereof I have sett my hande and Seale the Daye and yeare above written The marke of Edward Peckham Wittnesses hereunto

Henry Shelley

John Sadler

Transcribed by:

Diana Stevens.

Notes about this will:

Edward Peckham the Elder. Probate granted to Mary Peckham. A15/33 FHL Film 97240



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