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Will detail

Will of Edmund Crow of Lewes, All Saints

Date signed: 09 Nov 1738, Probate date: 08 Dec 1738

In the name of God amen the 9th of November 1738, according to the computation of the church of Great Britain, I Edmund Crow of the parish of All Saints in Lewes in the county of Sussex, being in perfect memory and remembrance, praised be God, do make and ordain my last will and testament in manner and form following (viz) First I bequeath my soul unto the hands of the Almighty God my maker, hoping through the meritous death and passion of Jesus Christ my only saviour and redeemer, to receive free pardon and forgiveness of my sins, and as for my body, to be buried in Christian burial by the discretion of my executrix which is my beloved and lawful wife Ann Crow.

Item – I give and bequeath all my goods, chattels and money to my lawful wife Ann Crow, But if she should marry after my decease and have a child or children, then my will is for her to keep and dispose of my effects as she shall think proper, if not, then my will and desire is for my lawful wife Ann Crow to possess and enjoy all that shall remain of my substance after my debts are paid during her life, and if any thing remain at her death, my will and desire it may be equally divided between my brother and sister (namely) John Crow and Rebeckah Crow if they shall be living.

In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.

John Crow


Wm Kester Eliz Hopkins Susanna Reeke

8th December 1738 … then was sworn Anne Crow … sole executrix of this will to whom was committed the burthen of the execution of …

Transcribed by:

Domonic Motto.



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