UPDATE viewcount SET ItemPK='144',FKBatchTableId='13',ViewCount='615',RegViewCount=NULL,BotViewCount='17' WHERE PKViewId='14237'

Will detail

Will of Robert Langeredge of Fletching

Date signed: 10 Dec 1625, Probate date: 21 Jan 1626


I ROBERT LANGEREDGE of Fletching in the County of Sussex being sick in body but of perfect memory and understanding (I thank my God) do make and ordain this my Will and Testament as followeth FIRST I bequeath my soul to God my faithful creator and to Jesus Christ my merciful redeemer through whose merits I hope to obtain eternal salvation NEXT I bequeath my body to be decently buried in the Churchyard of Horsted Keynes ITEM my will is that my loving wife ELLENOR shall have enjoy and quietly possess all my lands lying in East Grinstead in the County aforesaid for the better bringing up of my younger children for and during the term of ten years fully to be expired and ended after the day of my decease and after the expiration of ten years I give the said lands to ROBERT LANGEREDGE my eldest son and to his heirs forever ITEM my will is that first my debts being paid and satisfied that then the residue of all my goods cattle chattels shall equally be divided between my loving wife ELLENOR and all my children share and share alike to every child an equal portion ITEM I make and ordain my said wife ELLENOR sole Executrix to this my Will and Testament In witness whereof I the said ROBERT LANGEREDGE have set my hand and seal unto these presents the Tenth day of December Anno Dni 1625 ROBERT LANGEREDGE X his mark Sealed and Delivered by the testator ROBERT LANGEREDGE to his Executrix ELLENOR his wife in the presence of us


Probate was granted 21 January 1625/26 to ELLENOR LANGEREDGE Widow of the deceased

Transcribed by:

Steven Langridge.



This will also mentions these parishes:

Horsted Keynes.

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