London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 27 Jul 1849.

Issue: 21003.

Page: 37.



Person details:

Name: Frederick Shackleford.

Marital Status: Not given.

Occupation: Schoolmaster.


In the Matter of the Petition of Frederick Shackleford, formerly of Ringmer, Schoolmaster and Master of the Union Workhouse there, then of No. 29, Saint Mary's-street, Kemp-town, Brighton, Agent for the Sale of Coals and Provisions on Commission, both in the county of Sussex, then of Baling, in the county of Middlesex, Schoolmaster's Assistant, then of East Preston, and now of Rustington, both in the county of Sussex, employed as a Schoolmaster, at East Preston aforesaid. NOTICE is hereby given, that William Furner, Esq. the Judge of the County Court of Sussex, at Arundel, acting in the matter of this Petition, will proceed to make a Final Order thereon, at the said Court, on the 11th day of August next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely, unless cause be then and there shewn to the contrary.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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