Church document details


The London Gazette.


Burgess Hill, St Andrew - creation of new district.


13 Jun 1902.


At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 11th day of June, 1902.


The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

WHEREAS the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England have, in pursuance of the Act of the third and fourth years of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, chapter one hundred and thirteen, and the Act of the sixth and seventh years of Her said late Majesty, chapter thirty-seven, duly prepared and laid before His Majesty in Council a scheme, bearing date the twenty-ninth day of May, in the year one thousand nine hundred and two, in the words and figures following, that is to say:—

"We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, in pursuance of the Act of the third and fourth years of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, chapter one hundred and thirteen, and the Act of the sixth and seventh years of Her said late Majesty, chapter thirty-seven, have prepared and now humbly lay before Your Majesty in Council the following scheme for constituting a separate district for spiritual purposes to be taken partly out of the new parish (sometime district chapelry) of Saint John's Common and partly out of the parish of Ditchling, both in the county of Sussex and in the diocese of Chichester.

"Whereas we are satisfied that the said new parish of Saint John's Common, and the said parish of Ditchling are cures wherein or in parts whereof the provision for public worship and for pastoral superintendence is insufficient for the spiritual wants of the inhabitants thereof and it has been made to appear to us that it would promote the interests of religion that the particular portions of the said new parish of Saint John's Common and the said parish of Ditchling, which are hereinafter mentioned and described, should be constituted a separate district in the manner which is hereinafter set forth.

"And whereas there is not at present within the limits of the said proposed separate district any consecrated church or chapel in use for the purposes of Divine worship.

"And whereas Sampson Copestake, of Number one, Adelaide-crescent, Brighton, in the said county of Sussex, Esquire, has contributed and paid to the credit of our account at the Bank of England a sum of four thousand three hundred pounds sterling towards the endowment of the district hereinafter recommended to be constituted, and as soon as the said district shall have become a new parish under the provisions of the secondly hereinbefore mentioned Act then of the said new parish and towards the maintenance of the minister or incumbent thereof for the time being and we have in respect of such sum agreed and have undertaken to provide and pay by equal quarterly payments on the first day of February the first day of May the first day of August and the first day of November in each and every year to such minister or incumbent as aforesaid when duly licensed in accordance with the provisions of the lastly-mentioned Act the sum of one hundred and twenty-nine pounds per annum so long as the said capital sum shall remain in our hands.

"And whereas the said capital sum of four thousand three hundred pounds sterling has been so contributed and paid as aforesaid upon the understanding and condition that we should grant out of the common fund created by the firstly hereinbefore-mentioned Act a capital sum of seven hundred pounds sterling in respect of which there shall be paid by us to the minister or incumbent for the time being of the said proposed district or new parish when duly licensed as before-mentioned a yearly sum of twenty-one pounds, and upon the further understanding and condition that (such arrangement appearing to us to be expedient) we should recommend and propose to Your Majesty in Council that the whole right of patronage of the said district or new parish and the nomination of the minister or incumbent thereof should be assigned in the manner hereinafter set forth.

"And whereas the said grant of seven hundred pounds sterling will after the publication in the London Gazette of an Order of Your Majesty in Council ratifying this scheme be made and secured by an instrument to be executed by us the said Commissioners under our common seal in accordance with the provisions of the Act of the twenty-ninth and thirtieth years of Her said late Majesty chapter one hundred and eleven.

"Now therefore with the consent of the Right Reverend Ernest Roland, Bishop of Chichester (in testimony whereof he has signed and sealed this scheme) we the said Ecclesiastical Commissions humbly recommend and propose that all those portions of the said new parish of Saint John's Common and the said parish of Ditchling which are described in the schedule hereunder written all which portions together with the boundaries thereof are delineated and set forth on the map or plan hereunto annexed shall upon and from the day of the date of the publication in the London Gazette of any Order of Your Majesty in Council ratifying this scheme as aforesaid become and be constituted a separate district for spiritual purposes and that the same shall be named The District of Saint Andrew Burgess Hill.

"And we further recommend and propose that the whole right of patronage of the said district so recommended to be constituted, and when such district shall have become a new parish as aforesaid then of the said new parish and the nomination of the minister or incumbent thereof shall without any assurance in the law other than this scheme and any duly gazetted Order of Your Majesty in Council ratifying the same and upon and from the day of the date of the publication of such Order in the London Gazette as aforesaid be assigned to and be absolutely vested in and shall and may be exercised by the said Sampson Copestake his heirs and assigns for the first turn of presentation and that the whole remainder of such light of patronage that is to say the second and all succeeding turns of nomination and presentation shall be absolutely vested in and shall and may be exercised by the said Ernest Roland Bishop of Chichester and his successors Bishop of Chichester for ever.

"And we further recommend and propose that nothing herein contained shall prevent us from recommending and proposing any other measures relating to the matters aforesaid or any of them in accordance with the provisions of the said Acts or any of them or any other Act of Parliament.

"The SCHEDULE to which the foregoing Scheme has reference.

"The District of Saint Andrew Burgess Hill, comprising:—

" I. All that portion of the new parish (sometime district chapelry) of Saint John's Common in the county of Sussex and in the diocese of Chichester which is bounded upon the east partly by the hereinafter described portion of the parish of Ditchling and partly by the parish of Wivelsfield both in the said county and diocese upon the north by the new parish of Saint Wilfred Cuckfield in the said county and diocese and upon the remaining sides that is to say upon the north-west upon the south-west and upon the south by an imaginary line commencing upon the boundary which divides the said new parish of Saint Wilfred Cuckfield from the new parish of Saint John's Common aforesaid at the centre of the bridge called or known as High-bridge which carries Rookery-lane over the main line of the London Brighton and South Coast Railway and extending thence south-westward along the middle of the said line of railway for a distance of two miles and twenty-six chains or thereabouts to the centre of Burgess Hill Bridge which carries Keymer-road over the said line of railway and extending thence south-eastward along the middle of the last-mentioned road for a distance of seven chains and a half or thereabouts to its junction with Silverdale-road and extending thence eastward along the middle of the last-named road for a distance of thirty-one chains or thereabouts to the boundary which divides the said new parish of Saint John's Common from the parish of Ditchling aforesaid.

"II. And also all that portion of the said parish of Ditchling which is bounded upon part of the north-east and upon the north by the said parish of Wivelsfield upon the west by the said new parish of Saint John's Common and upon the remaining sides that is to say upon the south upon the east and upon the remaining part of the northeast by an imaginary line commencing at the point where the boundary which divides the said new parish of Saint John's Common from the parish of Ditchling aforesaid is crossed by the middle of Folder's-lane and extending thence eastward along the middle of the last-named lane for a distance of forty-seven chains or thereabouts to its junction on Ditchling Common with the road leading from Ditchling to Wivelsfield and extending thence north-eastward along the middle of the last mentioned road over Ditchling Common aforesaid for a distance of seventy chains or thereabouts to the junction of such road with Old Jane's-lane opposite to the Private Lunatic Asylum called Saint George's Retreat and extending thence north-westward along the middle of the last-named lane for a distance of thirteen chains or thereabouts to the point where it meets the boundary which divides the said parish of Ditchling from the parish of Wivelsfield aforesaid,"

And whereas drafts of the said scheme have, in accordance with the provisions of the secondly hereinbefore mentioned Act, been transmitted to the patrons and to the Incumbents of the cures out of which it is intended that the district recommended in such scheme to be constituted shall be taken, and such patron and Incumbent have respectively signified their assent to such scheme:

And whereas the said scheme has been approved by His Majesty in Council now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice of His said Council, is pleased hereby to ratify the said scheme, and to order and direct that the same and every part thereof shall be effectual in law immediately from and after the time when this Order shall have been duly published in the London Gazette pursuant to the said Acts; and His Majesty, by and with the like advice, is pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forthwith registered by the Registrar of the said diocese of Chichester.

A. W. FitzRoy.

Transcription details

Transcribed by: Michael Metcalfe.

Church(es) covered:

St Andrew, St John the Evangelist, St Margaret of Antioch, St Peter & St John the Baptist.

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