Church document details


The London Gazette.


Eastbourne, Christ Church - Change of chapelry boundaries.


16 Dec 1873.


AT the Court at Windsor, the 12th day of December, 1873.


The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

WHEREAS the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England have, in pursuance of the Act of the third and fourth years of Her Majesty, chapter sixty ; of the Act of the eighth and ninth years of Her Majesty, chapter seventy ; and of the Act of the nineteenth and twentieth years of Her Majesty, chapter fifty-five; duly prepared and laid before Her Majesty in Council a representation, bearing date the seventeenth day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, in the words and figures following, that is to say :

"We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, in pursuance of the Act of the third and fourth years of your Majesty, chapter sixty, of the Act of the eighth and ninth years of your Majesty, chapter seventy, and of the Act of the nineteenth and twentieth years of your Majesty, chapter fifty-five, have prepared, and now humbly lay before your Majesty in Council, the following representation for altering the boundaries of the district chapelry of Christ Church, Eastbourne, in the county of Sussex, and in the diocese of Chichester.

"Whereas by the authority of an Order of your Majesty in Council, bearing date the third day of February, in the year one thousand eight and, sixty-four, and published in the London Gazette on the fifth day of the same month, a part of the chapelry district of the Holy Trinity, Eastbourne (sometime part of the parish of Eastbourne) in the county and diocese aforesaid, was assigned as a district chapelry to the consecrated church called Christ Church, situate within the limits of the said chapelry district of the Holy Trinity, Eastbourne, and such district chapelry was named ‘The District Chapelry of Christ Church, Eastbourne.'

"And whereas it has been proposed to us, and it appears to us to be expedient, that the boundaries of the said district chapelry of Christ Church, Eastbourne, should be altered so as to include within its limits a part of the adjoining parish of Willingdon, in the county and diocese aforesaid.

"Now, therefore, with the consent of the Right Reverend Richard, Bishop of the said diocese of Chichester, with the consent of the Reverend Thomas Pitman, the vicar or incumbent of the vicarage of the said parish of Eastbourne, and as such vicar or incumbent the patron of the perpetual curacy of the district chapelry of Christ Church, Eastbourne aforesaid, with the consent of the Reverend John James Irwin, the incumbent of the same perpetual curacy, and with the consent of the Reverend Thomas Lowe, the vicar or incumbent of the vicarage of the said parish of Willingdon (in testimony whereof they, the said parties, have respectively signed and sealed this representation) and with the consent of the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church at Chichester, the patrons of the vicarage of the parish of Willingdon aforesaid (in testimony whereof they have affixed their common or corporate seal to this representation) we, the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners, humbly represent that, in our opinion, it would be expedient that the boundaries of the said district chapelry of Christ Church, Eastbourne, should be altered and extended so as to include within the limits of such district chapelry all that part of the said parish of Willingdon which is described in the schedule hereunder written, and which is delineated upon the map or plan hereunto annexed, and is thereon coloured pink ; and that from and after the day of the date of the publication in the London Gazette of an Order of your Majesty in Council ratifying this representation, and without any other assurance in the law, the said part of the parish of Willingdon aforesaid so to be included within the limits of the said district chapelry of Christ Church, Eastbourne, should become and be and form part of such district chapelry. "And we humbly pray that your Majesty will be graciously pleased to take the premises into your Royal consideration, and to make such Order in respect thereto as to your Majesty in your Royal wisdom shall seem meet.

"The SCHEDULE to which the foregoing Representation has reference.

"The territory proposed to be annexed to the district chapelry of Christ Church, Eastbourne (sometime part of the parish of Eastbourne) in the county of Sussex, and in the diocese of Chichester, being:—

"All that part of the parish of "Willingdon, in the county and diocese aforesaid, which is bounded on the north by the parish of Westham, in the same county and diocese ; on the south-east by the sea ; on the south by the said district chapelry of Christ Church, Eastbourne; on the southwest by the parish of Eastbourne, in the county and diocese aforesaid ; and on the remaining side, that is to say, on the north-west, by an imaginary line commencing upon the boundary which divides the last-named parish from the parish of Willingdon aforesaid, at the point (a little to the west of the point where the line of the Eastbourne and Polegate Railway crosses the said parish boundary) where the dyke or watercourse forming the southern side of the close numbered 336 upon the tithe commutation map of the said parish of Willingdon, and upon the map hereunto annexed, joins the dyke or watercourse dividing the said close from the close numbered 331 1/2 upon the said maps ; and extending thence northward along the middle of the said lastly-mentioned dyke or watercourse to its junction with the dyke or watercourse which divides the closes numbered respectively 332 and 337 and the roadway numbered 334 1/2 upon the said maps from the closes numbered respectively 336 as aforesaid, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, and 345, upon the same maps; and extending thence generally north-eastward along the middle of the last-described dyke or watercourse (thereby crossing the line of railway aforesaid) to the north-eastern end of the same dyke or watercourse, on the south-western side of the occupation road and driftway leading from the Eastbourne and Pevensey public road to Willingdon, and continuing thence still north-eastward, and in a direct line across the last-described occupation road and driftway, to a boundary stone inscribed ' E., Ch. Ch. D. C., 1873,' and placed on the north-eastern side of the same road, opposite to the south-western end of the dyke or watercourse which divides the closes numbered respectively 287 and 288 upon the said maps from the close numbered 289 upon the same maps ; and continuing thence still north-eastward to and along the middle of the last-described dyke or watercourse to the boundary in the middle of the dyke or watercourse called or known as Langney Sewer, which divides the said parish of Willingdon from the parish of Westham aforesaid."

And whereas the said representation has been approved by Her Majesty in Council; now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice of, Her said Council, is pleased hereby to ratify the said representation, and to order and direct that the same and every part thereof shall be effectual in law immediately from and after the time when this Order shall have been duly published in the London Gazette pursuant to the said Acts ; and Her Majesty, by and with the like advice, is pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forthwith registered by the Registrar of the said diocese of Chichester.

Arthur Helps.

Transcription details

Transcribed by: Michael Metcalfe.

Church(es) covered:

Christ Church, St Mary the Virgin.

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