Pigot & Co Directory 1840 for Sussex ~ Brighton with the village of Rottingdean and neighbourhood

BRIGHTON, or BRIGHTHELMSTONE, is a sea-port, parliamentary borough, market town and parish, in the hundred of Whalesbone and rape of Lewes – 52 miles S. (by the nearest road) from London, 20 E. by S. from Arundel, and 8 S.W. from Lewes; pleasantly situated on an eminence rising gently from a level called ‘the Steyne,’ supposed to have been the line of the ancient Stayne-street of the Romanas from Arundel to Dorking, and adjoining a bay of the English channel that is formed by the promontories of Beachy head and Worthing point. By the Saxons this place was designated Brighthelmstun; in the Domesday-book it is written Bristlemeston, from which latter the present name is abbreviated. At a remote period Brighton was a fortified town, but the sea, by unremitting encroachments, reduced it to an inconsiderable village, and shortly after the conquest it was principally inhabited by fishermen. Charles II, after his decisive defeat at Worcester and subsequent dangers, was conducted by some trusty adherents to this place, whence he was safely conveyed to Normandy by a native named Nicholas Tattershall, who was rewarded by that monarch for his service and loyalty with an annual pension of £100., a memento of which, at Tattershall’s death, was placed in the church-yard, where it sill remains. The resort to Brighton as a bathing-place commenced in the reign of George III its advance to public consideration was accelerated by the discovery, in 1760, of a chalybeate spring; and it progressively attained its present rank as the most fashionable watering-place in the kingdom. To the fostering preference of George IV must, however, be ascribed its grandeur, importance and unvarying prosperity. When Prince of Wales his partiality for this favoured place induce him, in 1784, to commence the erection of a palace, which was not completed until 1827. After his decease their majesties William IV and his queen conferred on the town their patronage and presence, by frequently occupying the PAVILION; and since the demise of her royal uncle Queen Victoria has occasionally made it her place of residence. This palace is a magnificent structure, in the oriental style of architecture, on the model of the Kremlin at Moscow. Toward the sea it has a handsome stone front, two hundred feet in length, with a circular building in the centre, surmounted by a lofty dome supported on pillars. The interior is fitted up with the most sumptuous elegance, chastened by the most refined and classic taste; the withdrawing and music rooms, the dining and breakfast rooms, the saloon, the paintings distributed throughout, all taken into on view, display more corresponding magnificence than any other regal establishment in Europe. The royal chapel, attached, is large and splendidly yet suitably decorated; and is capable of accommodating one thousand persons. Behind the pavilion are the royal stables, a capacious circular erection, the style appropriately Arabian, with a dome of glass; on the east side of the quadrangle in which the stables are situated is a racket-court, and on the west a riding-house.

The town extends two miles from east to west; and is sheltered by a range of hills on the north and north-east, and by the Downs on the west; its form, including the recent additions, is quadrangular. The streets are spacious, and intersect each other at right angles; they are well paved, and brilliantly lighted with gas. The elegance of the modern buildings, and the beautiful situations which many of them occupy, produce a grand and imposing effect. The squares, crescents, esplanades and steynes have each peculiar attractions. The hotels, inns and lodging-houses are in every graduation of style, from the most sumptuous and luxurious grandeur to the simpler accommodation of domestic privacy, adapted to the rank and habits of the numerous visiters. The various shops are richly stored with every article of taste, fancy and use; and the libraries furnished with the choicest works in every branch of literature, both ancient and modern. The baths are numerous and of a superior order, and afford relief by means differing from those of many other places; amongst these are the shampooing and Indian medicated sea-water and vapour baths, first introduced into England by Mr. Sake Deen Mahomed, and practised by him in Brighton for the last thirty years: the efficacy of these baths has elicited the approbation of the first medical men in the kingdom. On every side improvements and public works continue to advance rapidly. The chain or suspension pier was commenced in October, 1822, and opened to the public in the November of the following year: it extends more than eleven hundred feet over the sea, and is about thirty feet wide; it cost upwards of £30,000., and the erection is worthy of this opulent and fashionable town: a handsome road and esplanade forms the approach to this stupendous undertaking, which is entered by beautiful gates; in the summer evenings a band attends on the esplanade and the Old Steyne occasionally. The general view of Brighton from the pier head is magnificentL the eye takes in the whole range of buildings from Brunswick-terrace to Kemp Town; while the coast beyond Beachy head, on a clear day, may be distinctly seen to the east, and the Isle of Wight as plainly to the west. KEMP TOWN, so called from being erected by and on the estate of T.R.Kemp, Esq., situate about a mile east of the Steyne, is a nobly formed pile, comprising a square, opening into an immense circus, measuring eight hundred and forty feet in the span – two hundred feet more than the Royal crescent at Bath; and the area is tastefully disposed into pleasure grounds. At the western end of Brighton a number of superb mansions are in continual progress of erection; those in Brunswick-square and Brunswick-terrace rival the most sumptuous at the west end of the metropolis; opposite the elevated site of Brunswick-terrace is an esplanade nearly a mile in length, deservedly admired as one of the finest promenades in the country. Equally worthy if eulogy is the east end of the town; here are the residences of the Duke of Devonshire, the Marquess of Bristol, and other families of distinction. In the rear of the east part of the town, nearly in a direct line with Rock-gardens and Egremont-place, is situated the Queen’s park: one of the leading features here is the German spa establishment, where chymical imitations of the most celebrated mineral waters of Germany are prepared in such perfection as not to be distinguishable, either in taste or effect, from the original springs. During the summer months the place is numerously frequented by the first fashion; and, in addition to the attraction of the waters, there are archery grounds. The chalybeate spring is situated at Wick hill, in a most retired and picturesque spot, nearly surrounded by trees: a commodious and elegant building, comprising a reading room, is here erected, together with a very pretty rustic cottage. The town-hall, built at an expense of £30,000., is a noble structure, and an additional ornament to the town; it is one hundred and forty-four feet in length and one hundred and thirteen in depth, and contains every office requisite to facilitate the judicial and parochial business of this important borough: the upper story contains a handsome assembly room. A new custom-house was erected in 1830, on the site of the old one, in the King’s road, facing the sea; it is a neat edifice, but very little business is transacted in it, Shoreham being the chief port for this part of the county. On the west cliff is a battery of six 28-pounders, and adjoining are the magazine and gunner’s residence. At a short distance from the town, on the Lewes road, are extensive barracks, erected in 1795; the front occupies a space of five hundred yards, and the appearance of the building altogether is striking. The amusements of the visiters and inhabitants are derived from performances at the theatre, races on the Downs in August, aquatic excursions, assemblies, billiard and news rooms, libraries, &c, all conducted on a scale appropriate to the rank of those by whom they are supported. From the Brighton press are issued four newspapers; their titles, days of publication, &c., will be seen under the proper head. Mr. Michell, of this town, has re-edited a very creditable work on the air and water of Brighton, originally published in 1761 by a distinguished physician.

As regards commerce, the advantages accruing to Brighton (exclusive of an extensive retail business), are not important, the shallowness of the water preventing vessels of heavy burthen approaching the shore. There are about twenty boats employed in the mackerel fishery, and nearly fifty others in trawling for soles, brill, turbot, &c., for the London market. The breweries are very considerable in number, and some of them are of high respectability; and there are several iron and brass foundries – one of these (the Regent Foundry), belonging to Messrs. Palmer, Green and Co., is upon a very extensive scale, and well worth inspection. A railroad is actively progressing between Brighton and the metropolis; there will also be a branch to Lewes, another to Newhaven, and a third to Shoreham. The principal municipal officer is the constable of the hundred of Whalesbone, elected by a jury annually at Easter, at a court leet of the Earl of Abergavenney; and the constable appoints a certain number of headboroughs. The resident county magistrates hold their weekly sittings under a local act, and the commissioners, under the same, nominate a certain number of police officers. Thomas Read Kemp, Esq. and Charles Scrase Dickens, Esq., are lords of the manor, and hold courts baron annually of oftener. Under the reform bill Brighton was raised to the distinction of a borough town, and returns two members to parliament; the present representatives are Sir Adolphus Dalrymple and Capt. Pechell.

The places for divine worship in Brighton are in number fully proportioned to the several congregations of the established church, and the various sects of dissenters; some of the edifices are upon the most elegant and spacious plans, and there are none but what may be deemed ornamental to those parts of the town in which they are situated. The architectural and internal excellence peculiar to each we are compelled to omit, from the space already devoted to the account of the town:- St. Nicholas’s is the ancient parish church; and St. Peter’s is the modern and elegant structure, in the florid Gothic style, erected partly at the expense of the church commissioners, in 1827; the former is situated on an eminence to the north of the town, the latter at the entrance of the town from London and Lewes. The chapels connected with the establishment, are, the Chapel Royal, in Prince’s-place; St. James’s and St. Mary’s chapels, in St James’s-street; St. Margarets’, in Cannon-placel and St. George’s, in Portland-place, near Kemp Town. There are also chapels for baptists, independents, Wesleyan methodists , unitarians, Bethel, Bethesda and Salem chapels; one for the Countess of Huntingdon’s connexion, a meeting-house for the society of friends, a Roman catholic chapel, and a jews’ synagogue. The living of Brighton is a vicarage, in the patronage of the Bishop of Chichester; the present incumbent is the Rev. Henry Mitchell Wagner. The institutions for the relief of the poor, and for gratuitous instruction to their offspring, are so numerous, and so extensive in the application of their respective benefits, as to render them noble testimonials of the charitable nature of the inhabitants. The county hospital, which was opened in 1828, is not only a valuable establishment in its purposes, but the edifice is highly ornamental; there is likewise a dispensary in Middle-street, and a lying-in charity in Hart-street, both liberally supported. The free-schools are numerous, and comprise some well-endowed establishments, from which children are also clothed; extensive national, infants’ and Sunday schools, schools of industry, and one for orphans; besides others attached to the several places of worship belonging to dissenters: the entire imparting the blessing of education to a prodigious number of poor children. There are, besides, almshouses for aged widows, several benefit societies, and a mechanics’ institution. The market, which was established by an act of parliament in 1773, is held on Thursday; but there are daily markets, for every article of luxury and domestic use, held in the new and spacious market-house, completed in 1830. The annual fairs are Holy Thursday and September 4th, for toys and pedlery. According to the returns for 1831, the parish of Brighton contained 40,634 inhabitants; exhibiting an increase, since the census taken in 1801, of 33,295.

ROTTINGDEAN is a village and parish, in the hundred of Youngsmere and rape of Lewes, four miles E.S.E. from Brighton; delightfully situated on the sea-shore, on the road over the East Cliffs to Newhaven. It is a charming little village, annually increasing in population and respectability; and within the last few years has become frequented as a bathing place, by such families as prefer the privacy of a secluded village, to the more open beach and gaiety of Brighton. This place is also celebrated for its wells, which are nearly empty at high water, but rise as the tide ebbs – and which, from their salubrious qualities, are much esteemed. Semi-transparent pebbles of agate, and others of a blueish grey colour, abound on the sea-shore, which, when cut and polished, are used as ornaments for bracelets, &c. There are several bathing machines, and hot, cold and vapour baths. The church, dedicated to St. Margaret, has within these few years undergone a thorough repair, and it is now a neat and convenient edifice; the living is a vicarage, in the patronage of the Earl of Thanet. Population, by the returns for 1831, was 880.

POST OFFICE, 22 New Road, Brighton, John William Ferguson, Post Master. – Letters from LONDON arrive every morning (Sunday excepted) at twenty minutes past three, and afternoon at a quarter past four, and are despatched every night at half-past ten, and morning at half-past ten. – Letters from CHICHESTER, WORTHING, ARUNDEL, PORTSMOUTH, SOUTHAMPTON and the West of England, arrive every afternoon at five, and are despatched every morning at ten. – Letters from LEWES arrive every morning at seven, and are despatched every morning at half-past three. – Letters from BATTLE, HASTINGS, DOVER, GODSTONE, EAST GRINSTEAD and UCKFIELD, arrive every morning at seven, and are despatched every evening at seven.

Office hours, from half past seven in the morning in summer, and eight in the winter, until half-past 9 at night.
Receiving-Houses St. James street, in St. George’s place, Preston street and Kemp Town.
POST, ROTTINGDEAN. – Letters arrive from and are despatched to BRIGHTON daily.

Aberdein Robt, esq. 72 Grand Parade
Adams Mrs. Sarah, 6 Bloomsbury pl
Ade Mrs. Fanny, 12 Richmond place
Ainge Mrs. Charlotte, 10 Regency sq
Akehurst Saml. esq. 12 London road
Alderson Ralph C. esq. 25 Lansdowne place
Allen James, esq. 11 Waterloo place
Allen Major Joseph, 5 St. George’s pl
Allfree Miss Mary, 52 Regency sq
Anderson Mrs. -, 1 Waterloo st
Andersen Mrs. Ann, 20 New Steyne
Anderson Rev. James, 12 Arundel terrace
Anderson Mrs. Margaret, 14 Devonshire place
Anderson Rev. Robert, 83 Montpelier road
Andres Miss Frances, 1 Western cottages
Anstey Mrs. Judith, 33 Regency sq
Ashworth Col. Fredk. Kemp Town
Atkins Thomas, esq. Queen’s park
Austin Capt. Horatio, 4 Sillwood pl
Bacon Major Wm. 3 Gloucester place
Baillie Mrs. Phoebe, 5 Grand parade
Baker Mrs. Ann, 4 Norfolk square
Baker Mrs. Jane, 15 German place
Balward Hy. Esq. 15 Hanover crescent
Barnet Wm. Esq. 16 Grenville place
Baronneau Mrs. Eliz. 81 Marine parde
Barratt Henry, esq. 6 Burlington st
Barratt Mrs. Sarah, 2 Pavilion parade
Bass Isaac, esq. Black Lion st
Batten Mrs, Cath. 81 Montpelier road
Bayntun Capt. Charles, 136 North st
Beard Mrs. Ann, 22 West st
Beard Charles, esq. Rottingdean
Beard Thomas, esq. Rottingdean
Becket Chas. esq. 11 Marlborough pl
Beecher Richd. esq. 17 Portland pl
Belward Henry, esq. 15 Hanover sq
Besevi George, esq. 37 Brunswick sq
Best Mrs. Georgiana, 34 London road
Best Thomas, esq. 5 London road
Bethune Henry, esq. 79 Grand parade
Birch Mrs. Mary, 98 London road
Black John, esq. 9 Waterloo place
Blackall Mrs. Thos. 8 Sillwood place
Blakesley the Misses, 14 Lansdown pl
Blaydes Mrs. Dalia, 4 Cavendish place
Blomefield Sir Thos. 68 Regency sq
Blucke Robt. Stewart, esq. 10 Norfolk square
Blunt Captain Richard, 16 Brunswick square
Bodely Thos. esq. 13 Brunswick terr
Bodle Mrs. Elizabeth, Milton Cottage, Upper Russell st
Bolger Edward, esq. 1 Gloucester pl
Bond Mrs. Jesse, 1 Brunswick place
Bonham Mrs. Charlotte, 30 Brunswick terrace
Borrer John Hamden, esq. 19 Gloucester pl
Boss Lieut. George, 30 Edward st
Bostock Miss Ann, 2 Waterloo pl
Bouch Wm. esq. 4 St. George’s place
Bowman David, esq. Bellevue Hall
Boxall William, esq. 18 Grand parade
Brackenbury Robert, esq. 27 Brunswick square
Bradford Nathaniel, esq. 79 West st
Brake Rev. Charles C, 26 West st
Brewer John, esq. 167 Wester road
Bridger Mrs. Eliz. 50 Russell square
Bridges George, esq. 20 Old Steyne
Briggs John T. esq. 4 Lower Rock Gardens
Briley Frederick, esq. 61 London rd
Brisband Miss Maria, 7 Dorset gardens
Bristol the Most Noble the Marquess of, 19 Sussex square, Kemp Town
Brockman Rev. Tatton, Rottingdean
Brodie Mrs. Louisa, 24 Hanover cresnt
Booker Henry, esq. 14 Hanover cresnt
Brookshank T. C. esq. 16 Sillwood pl
Brown Geo. Henry, esq. 22 Marine sq
Brown Col. J. 157 Marine parade
Brown Mr. Jos. 17 Hanover crescent
Browning Mrs. Eliza, 17 Bloomsbury place
Bruce Mrs. Ann, 16 Portlan place
Brunell Mrs. -, 17 Ship st
Bryson Archbld. esq. 64 Marine parade
Budds Henry, esq. 122 Marine parade
Budgen Mrs. Mary, 4 St, Peter’s pl
Bulley Miss Catherine, 6 London rd
Burmester Mrs. Susan, 11 Regency sq
Burnet Mrs. - , 37 Cannon place
Burnett Henry, esq. 5 Richmond pl
Burrup Mrs. Elizbth. 9 Grand parade
Burton Mrs. Sarah, 14 Richmond pl
Bush Richard, esq. 16 Lansdowne pl
Butler Rev. Wm. Henry, Church hill
Cahill Richd. S. esq. 6 Lewes crescnt
Calvert Mrs. Ann, 7 St. George’s pl
Camble Mrs. Elizbth. 5 Burlington st
Campbell Lady Eustatia, 12 Hanover crescent
Carhampton the Countess of, 11 Sillwood place
Carr John, esq. 58 West st
Carter James, esq. 105 Trafalgar st
Catt Mrs. -, 45 Russell square
Cazelet Peter Clement, esq. 19 Lewes crescent
Cazelet Mrs. Sarah, 18 Lewes crescent
Chapman the Misses, 145 Western rd
Cheesman John, esq. Park cottage
Cheesman Thos. esq. 24 York place
Childers Hon. Mrs -, Queen’s park
Chippendale Mrs. Caroline, 155 Western road
Clanmorris the Hon. Lord, 9 Portland place
Clansie Jos. esq. 12 Richmond terrace
Clark Rev. Saml. 9 Hanover crescnt
Clay Mrs. Mary, 16 Brunswick sq.
Cleobury Miss Frances, 19 Hanover crescent
Cobby Mrs. Martha, 7 York place
Cole Mrs. Mary Anne, 28 Norfolk sq.
Colegrane, Mrs. Catherine, 20 Portland place
Collins the Misses, 41 Russell square
Combes Mrs. Sarah, 26 Gloucester pl
Concannon Mrs. Sarah Ann, 9 Lower Rock gardens
Connop Newell, esq. 35 Marine parade
Cooch Charlees, esq. 82 Montpelier road
Cooke Lieut. David, R. K. 9 London road
Cooke Mrs. Maria, 6 Charlotte st
Cooke Rev. Thos. 12 St. George’s pl
Cooper Mrs. Caroline, 4 Old Steyne
Cooper Isaac, esq. 14 Lower Rock gardens
Cornford Henry, esq. 25 London rd
Cornwallis Lady, Portland place
Coton Mrs. Cathrine. 17 Old Steyne
Coventry Col. Chas. 9 Arundel terrace
Coxe Mrs. Sarah, 11 Old Steyne
Craven Chas. esq. 33 Sussex square
Crawford Mrs. Lydia, 15 Western cottages
Crawley Philip, esq. 3 Brunswick place North
Cunyngham Mrs. John, Grenville pl
Cunyngham Mrs. M. 10 Brunswick sq
Cureton Mrs. Charlotte Agnes, 21 Hanover crescent
Dadley William P. esq. 93 London road
Dalrymple Sir Adolphus, bart. 5 Brunswick terrace
Darell Lady Emily, 13 Cavendish place
Davis James, esq. 7 Grand parade
Davis Mrs. Mary, 38 Montpelier road
Davison John, esq. 101 London road
Dawson Mrs. Eliza, 94 Western rd
Deacon Chas. Clement, esq. 26 Marine square
Deacon Captain Thomas, 2 Hanover crescent
Deane Mrs. Mary Ann, 33 Norfolk sq
Debrett Mrs. Martha, 13 Grand parade
Defflis S. M. esq. 24 Marine square
Deltree Mrs, Elizabeth, Rottingdean
DeMontauban Marquess, 36 Russell sq
Derby Cobbett, esq. 5 Norfolk square
Deverell Mrs. Eliz. 3 Brunswick sq
Devonshire his Grace the Duke of, 1 Lewis crescent, Kemp Town
Dick Page, esq. Port hall
Dickens Chas. Scrase, esq. 11 Brunswick terrave
Dickenson Newton, esq. 43 Brunwick square
Dix the Misses, 82 Grand parade
Dixie Richard, esq. 5 Richmond terr
Dixon, Miss H. 24 Gloucester place
Domville the Misses, 3 New Steyne
Dornford Miss Eleanor, 11 Marine sq
Douglass Mrs. Frances, 35 London rd
Downman Thos. esq. 23 Grand parade
Doyle F. O. esq. Rottingdean
Doyle Usher, esq. 4 Brunswick pl
Drummond Rev. Spencer, 11 St. George’s place
Dumbrell Miss -, 26 King’s road
Duncan the Hon. Lady -, Sillwood
Eamer Lady -, 4 Bedford square
Edmonds James, esq. 37 London rd
Edwards Mrs. -, 3 Sillwood place
Edwards Rev. James, 8 Windsor terr
Egan John, esq. 8 Bedford square
Eld Lieut.-Col. John (master of ceremonies), 34 New rd
Ellerton Jno. Lodge, esq. 127 Marine parade
Elliott Mrs. -, 112 King’s road
Elliott Rev. Henry V. 31 Brunswick sqq
Ellis Mrs. -, 124 King’s road
Ellis Mrs. Charlotte, 89 London road
Evans Mr. James, Rose hill
Evereard Edwd. J. esq. 22 Sussex sq
Faithful Henry, esq. Summers house, Upper North st
Falconar Mrs. Elizabeth Montpelier road
Falkiner Hon. Lady, 55 Marine parade
Field Geo. esq. 16 Upper Rock gardens
Field Joseph, esq. 19 Preston st
Field Wm. esq. 19 Devonshire place
Fielding Copley, esq. 2 Lansdowne pl
Fife Miss Margaret, 6 Brunswick place North
Fitzpatrick John, esq. 3 Adelaide terrace
Fletcher Mrs. -, 31 New Steyne
Flint John, esq. 23 Western cottages
Foote the Misses, 38 Norfolk square
Forbes Mrs. John, 25 Regency square
Fortescue Hon. Miss, 11 Charlotte st
Fowler Mrs. Prisclla. 13 Hanovr cresnt
Francis Mrs. Mary, 138 Western rd
Franks Jno. Henry, esq. Lansdowne pl
Freeman Mrs. Eliz. 9 Richmond place
French Mrs. Eliz. 3 Richmond place
French John, esq. 23 Portland place
Fuller Chas. esq. 56 Regency square
Fuller Mrs. Elizabeth, 50 London rd
Gaillard the Misses, 14 Upper Rock gardens
Gardiner Henry, esq. 5 Brunswick place
Giberne Mrs. Sarh. 32 Marlborough pl
Gillett Edward, esq, 180 Western rd
Gilman Mrs. Ann C. 17 Gloucester pl
Glynn Miss Fras. 13 St George’s sq
Goffe Jno. esq. 15 Upr. Rock gardens
Goldsmid Mrs. Louisa Boscowen, 10 Sillwood place
Goldsmidt Isaac Lyon, esq. Wick Mansion
Goodall Mrs. Amelia, 3 Hanover crsnt
Goodall Mrs. Eliz. 18 Portland place
Goold Valentne. Esq. 44 Grand parade
Gordon -, esq. Newtimber
Gordon Mrs. -, 77 Marine parade
Gore Sir Ralph, 26 Brunswick square
Gorringe John, esq. 2 St. George’s pl
Gould George, esq. 20 Cannon pl
Goulty Rev. John N. 174 Western rd
Grant Capt. Alex. 7 Hanover cresnt
Gray Col. -, 24 Brunswick square
Gray Chas. Loyd, esq. 48 London rd
Gray John, esq. 4 New Steyne
Green Miss Ann, 9 St. Goerge’s pl
Green Miss Susan, 6 Oriental place
Grenville Jon. esq. 147 Western road
Gresley Mr, Wm. 18 Richmond place
Greville Colonel the Hon. Robt. F, 1 Adelaide terrace
Grosvenor Mrs. Charlotte, 15 Portland place
Guichard Mr. Charles, 9 New Steyne
Gumner Mrs. Eliz. 23 Richmond pl.
Gunning Lieut, Geo. rr Hanover crsnt
Gutteridge Mrs. Sarah, 55 London rd
Gwynne Mrs. Sarh. 7 Marlborough pl
Hack Daniel, esq. 104 Trafalgar st
Haines Miss Elizbth. 19 Lower Rock gardens
Hall Eardly Nathl. Esq. 55 Brunswick square
Hall Robert, esq. 23 Oriental place
Hall William, esq. Hove
Hames John, esq. 109 Western road
Hamilton Mrs. Mary Ann, Trafalgar st
Hammond Rev. Jas. 4 Harney terrace
Hampson Lady -, 45 Sussex square
Hardwick the Misses, 4 Gloucester pl
Hare Capt. Robt. 91 Montpelier road
Harrington Thos. esq. 54 Old Steyne
Haslet James, esq. 68 West st
Haven Mrs. -, 125 King’s road
Haven Major John Gordon, 12 Old Steyne
Hawkins Mrs. Catherine, 32 London road
Hearn Rev. Edward, 22 Upper Rock gardens
Heath Thomas, esq. Royal Pavilion
Heaviside Richd. esq. 15 Brunswick sq
Hemsley Miss Mary, 86 North st
Henington Miss Eliz. 6 Old Steyne
Hernen Miss Ann, 20 Gloucester pl
Hewit Thomas, esq. Hove villa
Hill Lady -, 34 Brunswick terrace
Hill Rev. Chas. 19 Lansdowne place
Hill the Misses, 111 Western road
Hogarth Rev. John Henry, 123 Marine parade
Holden Joseph Douglas, esq. 45 London road
Holme Miss Margt. 97 Royal crescent
Hooper Miss Ann, 16 Bloomsbury pl
Hopejohnstone Mrs Eliza, 13 Waterloo place
Horton Robert, esq. 30 Bloomsbury place
Hoskins Jas. esq. 4 Western cottages
Hotham the Hon. Lady -, 33 Brunswick terrace
Howard Edwd. esq. Upper St. James st
Howard Sir Ralph, 12 Lewes crescnt
Howell Charles, esq. Hove
Howell George, esq. 27 Broad st
Hubert Mrs. Sarah, 7 West st
Hughes Thos. esq. 17 Grand parade
Humphreys Mis Margt. 14 Sillwod pl
Hunt James, esq. Crown st
Hunter Sir Richd. knt. 46 Grand parade
Hunter Thos. esq. 9 Richmond terrace
Hurlock Rev. Dr. Joseph, 5 Hanovre crescent
Hussey William Heather, esq. 8 Marine square
Hutchinson Mrs. -, 49 Norfolk sq
Ingram Joseph, esq. Rottingdean
Ivey Henry J. B. esq. 113 King’s road
Izard William, esq. 34 Bedford sq
Jackson Edwin, esq. 44 Norfolk sq.
Jackson Mrs. Eliza, 2 Richmond pl
Jackson Mrs. Eliz. 131 Marine parade
Jellicoe Samuel, esq. 33 Oriental pl
Jemmett Mrs. Sarah Martha, 4 Marine square
Jenkins -, esq. Hove
Jenkins Mrs. Eliza, 34 Oriental place
Johnson Miss Frances, 9 St. Peter’s pl
Jones Miss Catherine, 3 Arundel terr
Jones John, esq. 75 Grand parade
Jones Mr John, 3 St. George’s place
Jones Mrs. Mary A. 40 Brunswick terr
Jones Samuel, esq. 4 Broad st
Jowers Hy. John, esq. 15 Oriental pl
Judson Henry, esq. 6 Richmond terr
Kay Mrs Ann, 18 Upper Rock gardens
Kay Mrs. Hannah, 6 Arundel terrace
Keates Lady Mary, 23 Brunswick terr
Kelly Rev. Walter, Hove
Kemp Nathaniel, esq. Ovingdean
Kimber Miss Elizabeth, 27 York place
King Charles, 62 Grand parade
King James, esq. Hampton place
King, John, esq. 23 Brunswick square
King Wm. R. esq. 49 Marine parade
Kirby Mrs. Caroline, 1 Richmond pl
Klyne Wm. Hy. esq. 18 Hanover crscnt
Knight Henry, esq. Rottingdean
Labern --, esq. Adelaide Cottage, Hove
Lancaster Rev. R. T. Western cottages
Lane Richard, esq. 21 Lansdowne pl
Lane Robt. Esq. 9 Charlotte st
Langdon Rev. Gillbrt. Harvey, 1 Bristol pl
Law Miss -, Rottingdean
Lee Rev. Robert, 21 Brunswick terrace
Leggett Mrs. -, 6 York place
Lennard Ts. Barrett, esq. Rottingdean
Lewis Mrs. Ann Maria, 6 Cavendish pl
Lewis Lieut. Robert, R. N. 40 Russell sq
Linn the Misses, 5 New Steyne
Lloyd Sir James, 62 Regency square
Locke Richard, esq. 6 St. George’s pl
Lomax Rev. Caleb, 4 Portland place
Lombe Mrs. Sylvia, 83 Grand parade
Longe Mrs. Frances, 5 Lower Rock gardens
Lumley Genl. Sir William, 52 Marine parade
Lyall John, esq. 11 Bedford square
Macdonald Miss Louisa, 36 Bloomsbury place
M’Gregor Hon. Lady -, 22 Bedford square
Mackintosh Miss Margaret, 12 Norfolk square
M’Queen Mrs. Anne, 11 Cavendish place
Magan Lieut. Arthur, Portland lodge
Mahon Mrs. Sarah, 16 Ship st
Maitland Rev. Chas. D. 13 Devonshire pl
Malden Lieutenant Charles R. R. N. 78 Montpelier road
Malleson Rev. J. P. Hove
Manson Mrs. Jane, 8 Norfolk square
Marshall Edward, esq. 17 York place
Marshall Rev. John, Ovingdean
Marshall Genl. Josiah, 23 Sussex sq
Marshall Mrs. Mary, 13 Marine sq
Martanez G. S. esq. 145 King’s road
Martin John, esq. 17 Hanover crscnt
Mather Capt. Thos. 16 Richmond pl
Maude Sir Ashby, 11 Oriental place
Mawer William, esq. 10 Charlotte st
Mayo Mrs. Mary, 15 Sillwood place
Mears Mrs. -, 52 Russell square
Merrifield John, esq. 16 Devonshire pl
Michell J. C. esq. 68 East st
Millett Rev. George, 89 Montpelier rd
Millett Miss Harriet, 93 Montpelier rd
Mills Mrs. Captain, 1 East st
Mills John, esq. 1 St. George’s place
Minga Captain -, 6 Burlington st
Minshaw Mrs. Mary, Hove ldge, Hove
Mitchelson Dav. esq. 10 Grand parade
Mocatta Moses, esq. 122 King’s road
Monnier Mrs. Mary, 80 Grand parade
Montefiore Horatio John, esq. 17 Sussex square
Moran Mrs. Ann, 1 Portland place
Morgan Capt. Jas. R. N. 40 Norfolk sq
Morris David, esq. 62 Marine parade
Morrison Wm. esq. 121 Marine parade
Mortimer Henry, esq. 22 Richmond pl
Morton Mrs. -, 1 Lower Rock gardens
Mostyn Mrs. -, Sillwood lodge
Mott Robt. esq. 12 Upper St. James st
Mullins John, esq. 10 York place
Munster Right Hon the Earl of, 26 Brunswick terrace
Myer Paul, esq. Portland place
Nash Mrs. Eleanor, 2 Arundel terr
Newbald Chas. esq. 11 Richmond terr
Newman Ricd. esq. 62 London road
Norman Thos. esq. 170 Western road
Northey Col. A. L. 28 Oriental place
Norton Miss Eliza, 14 London road
Nugee Fras. Esq. 156 Marine parade
Nurse Capt. Hugh, R. N. 7 Sillwood pl
O’Connor Mrs. Lydia, 34 Marine parde
Okell Thos. esq. 13 Sillwood pl
Oram Mrs. Anne, 4 Preston st
O’Reiley John, esq. 10 Waterloo place
Oswald Rd. Alex. esq. 9 Cavendish pl
Ottley Joseph, esq. 10 St. George’s pl
Pagan Mrs. Sarah, 69 Marine parade
Paget Capt. Charles, 3 Sillwood place
Paine James, esq. 25 York place
Palmer Clarkson, esq. 10 Pavilion parade
Palmer Mrs. Harriet Louisa, 6 Western cottages
Palmer Mrs. Henrietta, 84 Montpelier road
Palmer Mrs. Kate, 5 Old Steyne
Parish Sir Woodbine, 28 Brunswick sq
Parker Hon. Col. -, 5 Bedford square
Parker Mrs. Edward, 10 Regency sq
Parnell Miss Elizabeth Harriet, 3 Richmond terrace
Parry the Misses, 67 Marine parade
Payne Major -, Patcham
Peacock Mrs. Mary, 110 Marine parade
Pearse Mrs. Ann, 1 Old Steyne
Peart Mr. Joseph, 10 Grafton st
Pedder Rober, esq. 135 King’s road
Peel Lawrence, esq. 32 Sussex square
Pegus Miss Mary Ann, 17 Silwood pl
Perkins Fred. esq. 99 Royal crescent
Perran John, esq. 47 Norfolk square
Pevan Richd. esq. 128 Marine parade
Phillimore Mrs. Sarah Henley, 21 Old Steyne
Phillips Miss Louisa, 20 Devonshire place
Phillips Capt. Robt. 41 Bloomsbury pl
Phillipson John Bradshaw, esq. 3 London road
Pigott Mrs. Graham Foster, 119 King’s road
Pinder Richard, esq. 31 York place
Pitts J. W, esq, 9 York place
Poingestre James, esq. 20 Bedford sq
Pollard Mr. John, 8 Gloucester place
Portmoor Lady -, 140 Marine parade
Poune Mrs. Diana, 75 West st
Price Mrs. -, 27 Russell square
Prior Mrs, -, 28 Regency square
Prior Capt. L. M. 4 London road
Proctor Rev. George, Kemp Town
Pryor Miss -, 18 Devonshire place
Puget John H. esq. 31 Sussex square
Raikes William, esq. 3 Upper Brunswick place
Raincock Capt. Geo. R. N. 16 London road
Ramsay Wm. esq. 9 Brunswick square
Ramsden Mrs. Lucy, 70 Marine parade
Ranger Richd. esq. 1 Upper St. James st
Raphael Alexr. esq. 2 London road
Read Rev. F. R. 6 Sillwood place
Rich Isaac Tree, esq. 10 Richmond pl
Ridout Mrs. Frances, 12 Brunswick sq
Rigden Thomas, esq. Coldane
Rivers Right Hon. Lord, 38 Sussex sq
Roberts Col. Thomas, 19 Grand parade
Robertson Francis, esq. 61 Regency sq
Robertson Mrs. Olympia, 15 London road
Robinson Thomas, esq. 24 Portland pl
Robison Miss Isabella, 39 Cannon pl
Rogers Mrs. Rosina, 8 Hanover crscnt
Rolles Adml. Robert, 78 Grand parade
Rooper Rev. Thomas, Wick hill
Roper Dav. Riddle, esq. 15 New Steyne
Rose William Stewart, esq. 8 Richmond terrace
Ross Hugh, esq. Trafalgar st
Rothery Nicholas Philip, esq. London road
Russell Robert, esq. 116 Western rd
Samuel the Misses, 2 Charlotte st
Satterley Mrs. Jane, 20 Cannon place
Saunders Rev. Kenrick Francis, 113 Marine parade
Saxby Mr. William, Rottingdean
Schneider Jno, esq 7 Lwr. Rock gardns
Schofield Joseph, esq. 109 Trafalgar st
Scott Miss Emily, 28 Cannon place
Scott Rev. Thomas, 77 West st
Seymour Wm. esq. 1 Dorset gardens
Sharood Charles, esq. 71 Middle st
Sharp Mrs. Lucy Ann, 94 Montpelier rd
Shaw Thomas, esq. 7 London road
Shore the Hon. Miss Charlotte, 96 Montpelier road
Shubrick Mrs. -, 1 Sillwood place
Shutt Wm. esq. 1 Hanover crescent
Sindey Marlow, esq. 23 Hanover crscnt
Simmons Mrs. Mary, 1 Waterloo pl
Sivewright James, esq. 2 Cavendish pl
Skurray Francis, esq. 5 Brunswick sq
Slater Robert, esq. 12 Burlington st
Slegg Mrs. Emma, 1 Sillwood place
Slight Lewis, esq. 34 West st
Small Mrs. Sarah, 6 Grand parade
Smith Bright, esq. Hove place
Smith Mrs. Diana, 22 York place
Smith Hon. Georgiana, St. Albans cott
Smith Horace, esq. 12 Cavendish pl
Smith Isaac, esq. 20 Cannon place
Smith Mrs. Jane, 15 Richmond place
Smith Mrs. Mary, 17 Bedford square
Smith William, esq. 94 London road
Smith William, esq. 23 Bedford sq
Smithres Mr. Barholomew, Preston
Sober Mrs. Ann, 8 Western cottages
Solley the Misses, 11 Bloomsbury pl
Sortain Rev. Joseph, 43 Norfolk sq
Spearing Mrs. -, 99 St. James st
Sperling John, esq. 9 Sussex square
Spyring John S. esq. 8 St. Peter’s pl
Standard Wm. A. esq. 28 New Steyne
Standen John, esq. 3 St. Peter’s pl
Stanford Richard, esq. 13 Bedford pl
Stanford William, esq. Preston
Stanford William, jun. esq. Preston
Steer Mrs. Sarah, Sillwood house
Stewart the Misses, 18 Sillwood pl
Still Francis, esq. 4 Russell square
Stirling Mrs. -, 63 East st
Stonehewer Wm. S. esq. 36 Brunswick sq
Storey Philip, esq. 25 Sussex square
Story Mrs. Elizabeth, 4 Portland pl
Struth Sir William, 2 Sillwood place
Sutton Mrs. Mary, 39 Grand parade
Tayler John, esq. 3 Norfolk square
Talor Mrs. Rose, 76 Grand parade
Thomas Mrs. Ann, 20 Brunswick terr
Thomas Philip, esq. 13 Norfolk square
Thorald Chas. esq. 18 Gloucester pl
Thornton Miss Maria, 14 Western rd
Tierney Sir Matthew John, 3 Pavilion parade
Tilbury Edward, esq. 1 Patriot place
Tillbrook Mrs. Frances, 29 Lansdowne place
Tillstone Mrs. Susan, 11 Pavillion parade
Tilstone Richd. M. esq. Moulscombe
Timbrell Mrs. Jane, 52 Norfolk sq
Tipping Wm. esq. 16 Gloucester place
Titmas Mrs. My. Ann, 22 Oriental pl
Todhunter John esq. Up. Rock grdns
Tolley Mrs. General, 15 Cannon place
Tompkins Mrs. Margaret, 5 Marlborough place
Tompkyns Mrs. Jesse, 45 Montpelier road
Tonson Mrs. Colonel, 46 Russel sq
Townsend Lady John, 91 Kings road
Treacher Edw. Esq. 9 St George’s pl
Trego Thomas esq. 76 Edward st
Tricke Col. Thomas Trusty, 6 Richmond place
Trotman, Mrs. Elizabeth, 13 Oriental place
Tryon Major Geo. 20 Hanover crscnt
Tuck Thomas, esq. 1 York place
Tugwell Mrs. Penelope, 16 Oriental pl
Turing John, esq. 45 Regency square
Tyler John, esq. 5 York place
Usborne Thos. esq. 6 Brunswick sq
Vallance John Brooker, esq. Hove house, Hove
Vandelure Capt. Edwd. 11 Hanover crescent
Vane Colonel William W. 2 Upper Brunswick place
Vaughan Rev. James, Montpelier rd
Vernon Mrs. Ann, 132 Marine parde
Verall Thos. esq. 100 London road
Wadeson the Misses, London road
Wagner Mrs. Ann, 49 Old Steyne
Wagner Rev. Hy. Mitchell, Vicarage
Wainwright Miss Eliza, 2 Portland pl
Wake Miss Charlotte, 22 Brunswick terrace
Walker Mrs. Mary, 6 Brunswick pl
Wallack James, esq. 5 Cannon place
Walter Mrs. Ann, 7 St. Peter’s place
Waltham Mrs. My. 11 Devonshire pl
Walton Mr. William, 10 Lower Rock gardens
Ward James Fleming, esq. 13 Lower Rock gardens
Ward Robert, esq. 36 London road
Warden Capt. Wm. 2 Western cottgs
Warner Mrs. Ann, 131 Western road
Watson Sir Henry, 134 King’s road
Watson John, esq. Wick lodge
Watts Miss E. L. 55 Regency square
Waugh Miss -, 4 Cannon place
Webb Fredk. Esq. 41 Brunswick sq
Webb William, esq. 38 Russell square
Weller Miss Sarah, 92 Montpelier rd
West Thomas, esq. 3 Lewes crescent
Weston Ambrose, esq. 19 Marine sq
Westphal Sir Geo. 2 Brunswick sq
Wheeler Miss Charlotte, 24 Sussex sq
Whichelo Richd. L. esq. 64 London rd
Whitcombe Mrs. Jane, 2 Norfolk sq
White Mrs. Eliz. 6 Bedford square
White James, esq. 2 Windsor terrace
Whitfield Mrs. E. 27 Lansdowne pl
Whitmarsh Webb, esq. 27 Cannon pl
Whittle the Misses, 26 York place
Wicken John esq. 51 London road
Wicklow the Right Hon. Earl of, 4 Sussex square
Wiggett Rev. Jas. 56 Brunswick sq
Wigney Clement, esq. 39 Brunswick terrace
Wigney Isaac Newton, esq. 21 Brunswick square
Wigney Wm. esq. 10 Brunswick sq
Wiick Mrs. Sarah, 25 Grand parade
Wilck Mrs. Margt. 85 Montpelier rd
Willan Mrs. Mary, 23 Lansdowne pl
Willard Captain -, 46 Ship st
Williams Wm. esq. 12 Gloucester pl
Williamson Mrs. Eliza, 112 Marine parade
Williamson Thomas, esq. 3 Regency square
Wilmot Sir Robert, 7 Arundel terrace
Wilson Mrs. Ann, 11 York place
Winckworth Mrs. Sarah, 72 Grand parade
Windus Miss Esther, 40 Russell sq
Winter Thos. esq. 12 Marine square
Wood Col. Charles, 7 Richmond terr
Wood John Binns, esq. 10 Richmond terrace
Wood Mrs. Lucretia, 13 Old Steyne
Woodington Mrs. Diana, 6 Hanover crescent
Wratislaw Mrs. Caroline, 6 Lower Rock gardens
Wraxall Chas. esq. 37 Bloomsbury pl
Wray Miss Francis, 2 Dorset gardns
Wyatt Mrs. Sarah, 28 Regency square
Wylde Mrs. -, 14 Cannon place
Wynch Rev. Peter, 22 Portland place
Wyndham Col. George, East lodge
Yard Thos. esq. 10 Brunswick terrace

Not otherwise described are Boarding.
Adams William, 3 Portland place
Airey & Everard, 20 & 22 Sussex sq
Akehurst Emma (day), 89 St. James st
Allfree & Williams, 10 and 11 Gloucester place
Ames James (boarding & day), 41 Preston st
Anderson Ann, 20 & 21 Norfolk sq
Andrews Harriet (day), Richmond st
Andrews Henry (day), 21 Ivory place
Annan John, M. A. 17 Cannon place
Apted Sarah, 66 London road
Bailey Wm. (day), 28 Kensington pl
Baker Emma (day), 27 London rd
Bastick Sarah (boarding and day), 22 St. James rd
Batts John, Western road
Blaber Elizabeth, 173 Western road
Bontein Lydia (boarding & day), 23 New Steyne
Bourn Mary Ann & Caroline, 8 Lewes crescent
Brewer Susannah, 8 Brunswick pl
BRITISH SCHOOLS, North Lane – Jas. Ward, master; Emma Longland mistress
Brown Elizabeth (boarding and day), Marlborough place
Butler Rev. William Henry, Church hill
Byron Dr. -, Ruell house, Western rd
Carter William (day), 23 Wester st
Chandler Mary Whitely, 16 Marine sq
Clewer Richd. (brdg. & day), Preston
Colling Robert (day),. Church st
Cook David Ramsay Kerr (boarding and day), 9 London road
Cook Louisa (day), 9 London road
Cooper Ann (preparatory), 90 Montpelier road
Cooper H, Brunswick crescent
Crosby Chas. (day), Upper Bedford st
Davies Henrietta (day), 6 Bond st
Deighton Thos. (day), Church st
Dempster Richd. 6 Marlborough pl
De Paris Ann, 136 Marine parade
Durrant Caroline, 31 Bloomsbury pl
Edmond Wm. M. A. 26 Cannon place
Egerton Misses (boarding and day), 41 Egremont place
Erredge John Ackerson, 28 West st
Evatt Emma Douglas, 21 Marine sq
Fennell George Keith, Temple
Fuller Hanh. Priory house, Western rd
Furness John, Union place
Glynn Frances, 13 St George’s place
Granfield Emma (preparatory), 43 Richmond road
Green Elizabeth, 23 Brunswick sq
Green Jane, 4 Arundel terrace
Grix Wm. (brdg & day) 12 Marlborough pl
Guest Rev. Benjmn. 7 Sussex square
Hayley Misses, 8 Portland place
HOVE FREE SCHOOL, Market street West – James Parsons, master; Maria Rundall, mistress
Hunt Mary Ann (day), 25 Dorset gardens
Hurlstone Misses, 67 Grand parade
INFANTS’ SCHOOL, Cross st – Sarah Millard, mistress
INFANTS’ SCHOOL, Warwick st – Eliza Creak, mistress
INFANTS’ SCHOOL, Upper Gardiner st – Cecilia Pottinger, mistress
Ireland Mary Ann (day) 126 Londn rd
Irish & Kidd (ladies boarding and day), Sion house, Church st
Jinkens Martha (boarding and day), 120 Western road
Kennedy Rev. John Henry, 26 Lewes crescent
Korff Eliza Susanh. (day) 42 Preston st
Lefaudeux Maria, 33 Brunswick sq
Lumley John (day), 46 Temple st
Malden Charles R. 78 Montpelier rd
Malleson Rev. J. P. Hove
Martin Agnes (brdg. & day), 4 Bond st
Matthews Ann, 23 Ship st
Miller Jane & Eliz. 156 Marine parade
Miller Martha & Mary (gent.’s preparatory), 21 Oriental place
Milman Jane, 87 Montpelier rd
Monk Henry (day), 59 Cavendish st
Morris Jas. (brdg. & day), 21 Upper Rock gardens
NATIONAL SCHOOL, Church st – John Alderson, master; Ann Field, mistress
NATIONAL SCHOOL, Warwick st – Thomas John Bannister, master; Mary Ann Hart, mistress
Nelmes Sarah (brdg. & day), 153 Western rd
Nicholls Miss (boarding & day), 11 Dorset gardens
Olive Sarah (boarding and day), 13 London rd
Oxford William (day), Charles st
Peirce Elizbth. (day), 93 Trafalgar st
Peters Misses, 15 Gloucester place
Peto John, 5 Montpelier terrace
Phipps Isabella, 10 Lansdowne place
Pitcher Eliza Sarah, 4 Charlotte st
Proctor Rev. Dr. George, Kemp Town
Puttock George (day), 22 Carlton st
Pyemont Eliz. (day), 12 Robert st
Ranking Mary, 5 Sillwood pl
Ravenscroft Priscilla, 124 Marine parade
Reason William (day), 57 High st
Redknap William, 138 Marine parade
Reinagle Harriet, 16 Montpelier road
Rickard Thomas, Montpelier house
Robinson Mary, 120 Marine parade
ROYAL BRITISH SCHOOL, Upper Edward st – John Turner, master; Thirza Knight, mistress
Runciman & Roberts, 32 Brunswick terr
Saunders S. (drawing), 69 King’s road
Schofield Richd. L. 22 Cannon place
Scott Miss C. 6 Norfolk square
Scott Frances, 15 Sussex square
Shenley Sarah, 1 Upper North st
Shergold Samuel, 22 Ship st
Shrivell Martha (boarding and day), 165 Western road
Sinclair George William (day), 16 Cumberland place
Smith Rev. George, Rottingdean
Smith Jane (day), 21 Tidy st
Stokes A. & E. (Brdng & day), 63 High st
Stones Eliz. & sisters, 9 Regency sq
SWAN DOWNER’S CHARITY SCHOOL, 12 Gardiner st – Susan Hall, mistrss
Swinley Harriet, 111 Marine parade
Tate Alexander, Cliff house, Hove
Thomas Maria (day) 5 St. James’s pl
Wakefield P. 12 Western road
Ward James, North lane
Wardell Mary, Connaught house, Montpelier road
Williams Mary (boarding & day) 41 Norfolk sq
Wilson Mrs. & Miss, Rottingdean

(See also Fire, &c. Office Agents.)
Adnam George (and estate), 108 St James st
Akehurst Samuel, 23 New road
Barnes William (and estate), 126 St James st
Bartlett Henry (& appraiser), 18 New road
Beck William, 123 King’s road
Black Peter (custom-house, steam packet & consulate general) Castle sq
Brightwell Hanna, 32 Regency sq
Clements William, 64 Middle st
Cole & Levett, 98 King’s road
Creasy Edward Hill (and estate), 168 North st
Denmede Nathaniel, 63 Preston st
Durrant Edward P. (and estate), 168 North st
Edwards John, 130 London road
Holford Edward, 17 Marlborough pl
Hughes John William, 9 Essex st
Hunt & Marchant, 31 St. James st
King Sarah, 41 Regency square
Kirkham & Penfold, 28 Edward st
May Charles, 41 Cannon place
Mills. Ja. Henry (& estate), 12 High st
Norris Jeremiah, 20 Russel square
Parsons Joseph (nd estate and accountant), 30 Marine parade
Philips C. & Co. (& estate), 15 Princes st
Ridley Samuel, 155 North st
Streeter Charles, 34 Old Steyne
Toppin & Son, 18 Old Steyne
Webb Richard & Benjamin (and estate), 50 Devonshire place
Weller James Henry, Garden cottage, Crescent

Anscombe Edwd. 19 North gardens
Benham Charles, 5 William st
Laing David, 2 Manchester st

De Normanville Louis, 25 East st
Grayling William, 33 Ship st
Grenville Eliza, 79 St. James st

(See also Professors and Teachers.)
Adolphe Edgar, 113 St. James st
Booty Edward, 45 Grand parade
Cordwell Joseph, 4 St. James st
Georges Julius, 21 King’s road
Hunt Wm. Samuel, 79 King’s road
Morrell Fred. Edwin, 72 Western rd
Nash Frederick, 44 Montpelier road
Pollard Francis, 32 West st
Pollott Joseph, 1 Harvey terrace
Saunders S. (inventor of paintin in enamel without heat) 69 King’s rd
Scott William, 47 Preston st
Woolcott Charles, 30 Marlborough place

Attree, Clarke & Mc Whinnie, 8 Ship st
Barber John, 40 Russell square
Benuett Sidney Walsingham (and notary), 63 Middle st
Benson Thomas, 24 Dorset gardens
Boys & Bellingham, 60 Grand parade
Briggs & Evershed, 7 Middle st
Brookbank & Coldwell, 59 West st
Brooker & Penfold, 18 Middle st
Brooker Henry (& notary), 18 Middle st
Chalk Charles, 55 Ship st
Cobby George, Steyne lane
Colbatch & Upperon, 35 Old Steyne
Cooper Frederick & Chas. 49 Ship st
Cornford Edward, 8 Dorset gardens
Creasy A. T. 56 Ship st
Dempster George, 50 Ship street, and at Shoreham
Duke Edward, 44 Ship st
Dunford John, 24 West st
Faithful George & Henry, 15 Ship st
Freeman Thomas, 45 Ship st
Furner & Hill, 1 Pavilion parade
Green Anthony Sheppey, 50 Old Steyne
Kennett William, 70 Middle st
King Thomas, 35 West st
Neale Robert Osborn, Middle st
Thompson Thomas, 20 West st

Adnam George, 108 St. James st
Akehurst Samuel, 23 New road
Attree George, 23 St. James st
Barnes William, 126 St. James st
Chaffey Thomas, 106 Church st
Collins John, 7 St. James st
Creasy Edward Hill, 168 North st
Durrant Edward Parker (and accountant), 39 St. James st
Hitchins John, 27 Devonshire place
Mills James Henry, 12 High st
Mitchell George, Union lanes
Neas B. M. 69 East st
Parsons Joseph, 30 Marine parade
Philips C. & Co. 15 Princes st
Ridley Samuel, 155 North st
Streeter Charles, 34 Old Steyne
Toppin & Son, 18 Old Steyne
Webb Richd. & Benjm. 50 Devonshire pl

Anderson George, 61 West st
Arnold Thomas, Hove
Baker William, Poplar place
Barker John, 83 Edward st
Bastick William, 22 St. James st
Best Benjamin, St. George’s road
Bird William, 14 ivory place
Bishop Nathaniel (muffin), 5 Middle st
Blacklock William, 12 Preston st
Bodle Edwin, Upper Bedford st
Bodle Thomas, 2 Southover st
Brook Alfred, 2 Holland road
Buckhurst Benjamin D. 49 King st
Buckhurst William, 50 Upper North st
Burford Robert, 84 West st
Butcher William, 129 London road
Chatfield Edward, 75 North st
Chatfield John, 12 Upper Russell st
Collins John, Cheapside
Constable Mary, Meeting house lane
Coppard Henry, 22 Grosvenor st
Coppard Jas. 13 Kensington gardens
Cornford Edward, 19 Market st
Cowley Francis, 9 Nile st
Cripps Robert, 29 Preston st
Davies Nathaniel, 8 Black Lion st
Davies Thomas, 29 Preston st
Dunford William, 158 Western road
Eager Thomas, 9 Oxford st
Edmonds Moses, 127 Edward st
Excell John Wickens, 56 Preston st
Faithfull Peter, 15 Western st
Farrar Thomas, 1 Western road
Francis John, 9 Francis st
Funnell Henry, Gloucester lane
Goodale John, 4 Wester st
Greene Isaac, 11 Brunswick place North
Gregory Jno. Wm. 15 Upper Bedford st
Grover Samuel, 3 Regent hill
Haighton & Kennett, 16 Russell sq
Hale Joseph, Little East st
Hall Harriet, 2 Grand parade
Hall Thomas, jun. 51 Middle st
Hardham Edward, 29 Portland st
Hearsey William, 9 Western st
Heasman Mary, Cranbourn st
Hollingham John, 50 Regency square
Hopkins Richard, 24 Spring gardens
Ingledew John, 28 St. James st
Jones Thomas, 1 St. John st
Kent Thomas, 3 West st
Laker Richard, 83 Trafalgar st
Lashmar John. 25 Ship st
Lower Henry, 10 Manchester st
Lower Jesse, 30 Lavender st
Lower William, 117 Edward st
Lucas John, 86 Church st
Manser Francis, 17 Upper St. James st
Martin George, 42 Richmond st
Martin William, 90 St. James st
Meads George, 14 Russell square
Miles Ann, 44 Upper North st
Mitchell John, 86 Trafalgar st
Mitchell William, 21 North gardens
Moor Thomas, 51 Lavender st
Nevell William, 14 Albion st
Nunn John, 56 Western road
Oram James, 19 George st
Packer Joseph, 27 Upper North st
Paine Elizabeth, St. George’s road
Palmer Charles, 50 Gardiner st
Pennifold John, 2 Trafalgar st
Pepper Frederick, Cheapside
Pierce Edward, 6 Russell place
Piper William, 8 Charlton row
Potter George, 29 William st
Potter James, 34 Edward st
Reed Richard, 61 Edward st
Richardson Thomas, Rottingdean
Riddels Richard, 18 Vine st
Salter George, 25 Western road
Sayers James, 8 Gloucester lane
Scrase William, 7 Upper St. James st
Sharp William, 6 George st
Sickelmore William, 13 Church st
Slaughter Harry, 49 Market st
Smith John, 46 Edward st
Smith Samuel, 37 Grand parade
Southon William, 63 St. John st
Sparham Wright, 53 Upper Bedford st
Stephens Samuel, 59 Middle st
Streeter Edward, 1 Steyne place
Strugwell Matilda (gingerbread), 1 Cumberland place
Tague Benjamin, 2 High st
Terry John, 24 Bond st
Ticehurst Joseph, 39 Jubilee st
Towner Margaret, 5 Edward st
Tully William, 89 Trafalgar st
Vergo Henry, 1 Nelson st
Verrall Richd. Page, 18 London road
Welfare William, 16 West st
Woods John, Rock st, Kemp town
Worsley James, 85 St. James st
Worsley Joseph, 99 Edward st
Young Thomas, 30 Church st

Hall, West, Borrer & Hall (Union Bank), 7 North st – (draw on Jones, Loyd and Co. London)
SURREY, KENT & SUSSEX JOINT STOCK BANK, 167 North street – (draws on the London Establishment, 71 Lombard st) – Isaac Sewell, manager
Wigney & Co. 59 East st – (draw on Masterman & Co. London)
SAVINGS’ BANK, 33 Duke st – George Sawyer, actuary

Bish James, 6 King st
Cobby Richard, 9 King st
Jefferies James, 35 Lavender st
Spencer Christopher, 40 Ship st
Staples Thomas, 15 Margaret st
Virgo Samuel, 17 Cheltenham place
Winchester Thomas, 130 North st

BRUNSWICK BATHS, 2 Weston st – William Smith, proprietor
Lamprell Johnson, East st
Mahomed Sake Deen, King’s road
ROYAL ARTILLERY BATHS, 101 King’s road – Robertt Hobden, proprietor
ROYAL BATHS, Old Steyne – John Banister, proprietor
WOOD’S ORIGINAL BATHS, Pool valley – Ann Creak, proprietor

(See also Fancy Repositories.)
FRENCH & ENGLISH BAZAAR, Chain pier – Alfred Penny, proprietor
ROYAL BAZAAR, Grand Parade – Henry Noel, proprietor

Barnes Wm. (public & subscription), 126 St. James st
Bedford Geo. (& card rooms), 24 & 25 Broad st
Hildyard Edmund, Richmond Hotel, Richmond place
Jenkins James, 3 Steyne lane
Kentfield Edwin (public & subscription), Manchester st
Lewis John, Bedford Hotel, 137 King’s road
Price Henry Draper, Waterloo st
Taylor Samuel, Ship st

Bartlett James, 160 Western road
Jacobs John, 25 Brighton place
Jones James, Western road
Stephenson John, Upper Russell st
Wood George, 2 Upper Edward St

Ade – (ladies’), 31 Cannon place
Carter William, Bellevue mansions, 40 King’s road
Dring & Smithers, 14 Dorset gardens
Hogg Selina, 63 Marine parade
Kibble Elizabeth, 16 Canon place
Lamprell Johnson, Clarendon mansion, Grand Junction road
Locke Samuel, 81 West st
Massie Eleanor, 6 Sillwood st
Pasteur Mary Ann, 13 Regency square
Pitt Mary & Jane, 18 Marine parade
Poole - , West st
Saalfeld Isaac Moses, 4 New Steyne st
Vine Thos. Belvidere house, King’s rd
Webb Emma, 55 Cannon place
Wells Ann, 18 Marine parade
Wood Elizabeth C, 3 Cannon place

(See also Booksellers)
Cooke Matthew, Steyne Lane
Lepperd William, 17 East st
Swane Henry Edward, 18 West st
Taylor Elias, 59 Western road
Vincent Geo. 18 Brunswick place Nrth

Marked thus * are also Bookbinders.
(See also Bookbinders.)
*Andrews Charles (and newspaper agend), 11 St. James st
*Burn Edmondus, 23 North st
Cordwell Joseph, 4 St. James st
*Coxon Robert James, 8 East st
*Dodson Henry Jas. 98 St. James st
Gaucia Signr. (foreign), 61 King’s road
Harris John, 24 Western road
Jeffery James, 73 North st
Jordan Wm. 4 Kensington gardens
*King Richard, 1 North st
Loder, Robert, 170 North st
Miall John, Union st
Paine Susannah, 9 North st
Parsons William Henry, 9 Marine parade
Phillips James (periodical), Poplar place
Saunders & Son, 112 St James st
*Sawyer George, 36 Middle st
Searle M. G. 5½ East st
Smith Samuel (periodical), 53 West st
Stainforth James, 10 New road
Stedman Geo. 5 Upper St. James st
Taylor James, 172 North st
Tyler James, 83 North st
Whittemore William, 32 King’s road
Woodward William (periodical), Union place
Wright & Sons, Esplanade library, 106 King’s road

Abrahams Lawrence, 32 St. James st
Ade William, 27 George st
Alderton George, 15 Kensington place
Attrill John, 5 Bedford st
Baker William, 103 Edward st
Barnden Richard, 11 Poplar place
Barry Samuel, Russell st
Batchelor David, 41 Richmond road
Bennett John, 43 Regent st
Blaker Frances, 16 Church st
Blaker Frederick Norris, 5 Russell pl
Bonner Richard, 84 Church st
Borsley Joseph, 14 East st
Bourne William, 19 Duke st
Bowtell Thomas, 116 St. James st
Bridger William, 21 Regent st
Broad James, 53 Preston st
Brockhurst George, 25 West st
Bushnell Matthew, Boyce st
Chambers John, Sussex st
Champion James, Rottingdean
Charbonnier Thomas, 46 King’s road
Chatfield Charles, 74 Church st
Chisholm & Eltenton, 49 Regency sq
Clark Joseph, 9 George st
Clifford Charles, 26 Preston st
Clifford James, 17 Upper North st
Colbick William, 51 St. James st
Comlidge Thomas, 6 Norfolk st
Court & Dowley, 19 North st
Cozens William, Poplar place
Cripps Thomas, 5 Black Lion st
Crude John, 137 London road
Cutress John, 29 Portland st
Dench Jas. 35 Church st
Downard Henry, 27 Western road, Hove
Downs William, Poplar place
Dubbin Thomas, 41 Edward st
Dutton & Co. 27 East st
Edwards John, 44 St. James st
Evans Robert, 81 Edward st
Feldwicke Edward, 2 George st
Francomb William, 94 Trafalgar st
Franklin Hamilton, 1 Little Preston st
Franklin Joseph, 13 Spring gardens
Gates Stephen, 19 Norfolk square
Gates Thomas, 5 Oxford st
Gillam William, 7 Church st
Goddard Frederick, 8 Richmond st
Godley Aaron, 10 Edward st
Gower Abraham, 20 London road
Grover William, Windsor st
Harrop George, 27 Grand parade
Hawes Henry, 24 Upper St. James st
Hebden William, 4 Market st
Henderson John, 10 New Steyne st
Hodges Henry, 12 Ivory place
Holland William, 3 Dorset st
Isted William, 2 Marine parade
Jones James, 21 Upper St. James st
Kingsnorth John, 50 Preston st
Long William, 10 Portland st
Longhurst Edward, 18 High st
Loveland George, 92 St. James st
Lulham Thomas, 165 North st
Marten Richard, 4 Somerset place
Martin George, 22 Henry st
Measor Robert, Little Preston st
Mewett George, 13 North gardens
Morling Richard, 190 Western road
Morris John, 16 Margaret st
Morris John, 40 Upper St. James st
Newberry George, Union st
Nicholls Henry, 14 Ship st
Norman James, 69 Church st
Nye George, 10 Duke st
Nyne John, 28 North lane
Ockenden William, 2 Montpelier rd
Ogburn James, 56 Cumberland place
Paine George, 5 George st gardens
Parsons & Son, 29 Ship st
Pattenden John, 21 Camelford st
Pentecost William, 46 North st
Phillips John, 3 Norfolk st
Phillips John Francis, 19 Camelford st
Pocock Thomas, Poplar place
Ralph Benjamin, 10 East st
Rands Joseph, 77 St. James st
Reynolds William, 34 Ship st
Routledge John, 61 William st
Ruff George, 1 Gloucester st
Russell George, 22 Sillwood st
Russell John, 44 Vine st
Sayers Thomas, 5 Old Steyne st
Shelley Francis B. 19 Upper Russell st
Simmons Richard, 20 Carlton st
Slee John, 73 Western road
Spratley Ann, 62 North st
Stevens William, 17 New road
Stone John, 51 East st
Thunder Edwin, 2 Castle square
Tillstone John, 43 North st
Tozer William, 6 New road
Trussler Richard, 30 Bond st
Tucker William, 7 Market st West
Tugwell John, 62 Middle st
Valler James, 12 Cross st
Ward John, 62 Albion st
Waterman William, 81 St. James st
Welfare Stephen, Rottingdean
Wilkins Joseph, 43 Carlton row
Wilkins Thomas Preston
Williamson John, Preston
Wingham Thos. (ladies’), 25 West st
Wood John, 72½ North st
York Charles, 28 Cavendish st
Young Lydia (ladies’), 79 King’s road

(See also Iron Founders.)
Coleman George, 46 Western road
Coppard Stephen, 31 Bond st
Packham John, 76 Church st
Palmer, Green & Co, 146 North st
Palmer Samuel Burton, 86 St. James st
Smith John, Nile st
Williams & Yearsley, Gloucester Lane

Barnard William, 60 King st
Bedford William, 1 Sillwood st
Duly James, Golden Lane
Green Wm. & Henry, 16 St. James st
Hobbs Edward, 12 Union st
Palmer, Green & Co. 146 North st
Sattins Edward, 12 Henry st
Smith Fredk. William, 79 Carlton st
Watts John Charles, 26 High st
Webster Henry, 29 West st
Wickham William, 76 North st

Marked thus * are also Maltsters
Barnett John, Russell st
Davis Benjamin, 13 Black Lion st
Durrant William, 40 George st
Jones Elizabeth, 16 Western st
Mitchell William, 82 Carlton st
O’Connor Elizabeth, St. James st
Pocock John, Sillwood st and Montpelier road
*Robius Ebenezer, 5 Manchester st & Waterloo st
Shuckard George, London road
Smithers & Jackson, North st
*Tamplin Richard & Son, Phœnix Brewery, Lennox place, Lewes rd
Tibbs George, 119 London road
*Vallance, Catt & Co. West st
*Wigney George, 21 Ship st and 80 Church st

Cheesman George & Son, 30 Kensington st
Stephens George, Hove

Duke Charles, 8 Marlborough st
Field William Alfred, Sillwood st
Hallett Francis, 28 Upper North st
Holford Edward, 17 Marlborough pl
Leggatt Thomas, 14 Chapel st
Mellish Thomas, 30 Crown st
Nell Thomas, 9 Brighton place
Novis Richard, Paradise st
Patching Richard & Sons, Duke st
Shrivell William, 18 Regent st
Silvester John, 3 Norfolk st

Crouch Thomas, 103 St James st
Cully James, 35 Upper Russell st
Lower James, 13 St. James st
Mascall Thomas, 19 Ship st
Russell Samuel, 102 Church st
Sharpe Edward, 69 Western road
Walles William, 4 Little Western road

Benham Charles, 5 William st
Beves Edward, Marlborough place
Box Thomas, 14 Marlborough place
Boxall William, jun. 3 Sussex st
Cheesman Geo. & Son, Kensington st
Cole George, Gloucester lane
Cubitt Thomas, Sussex square
Dancaster George, 28 St. James st
Donne Joseph, 15 York place
Doubleday William, Upper Bedford st
Edwards Henry, 35 Marlborough st
Fabian John, 12 Western st
Field, Churchman, 27 Western cottages
Field William, 5 Montpelier road and Suffolk place
Field William Alfred, 19 Preston st
Hallett Frances, 28 Upper North st
Hallett William, 142 Marine parade
Hill John, 3 Upper Edward st
Holford Edward, 17 Marlborough pl
Howell Thomas, Marlborough st
Jackson William, 12 Vine st
Lynn - , 1 Cannon place
Marshall George, 74 St. James st
Martin James, 135 London road
Maynard George, 52 Preston st
Mills George, 75 St. James st
Mockford Thos. 2 Upper Edward st
Morley Henry, Warwick st
Patching Richard & Sons, Duke st and 43 Portland st
Pelling Thomas, 54 William st
Ranger George, 1 Upper St. James st
Russell William, 16 William st and 51 Henry st
Smith John, Windsor st
Smith John, 66 Edward st
Wisden Thomas, Upper North st
Wisden William, Crown st
Young Thomas, 30 Church s

Dyke Thomas, Sussex place
Edwards Henry, 35 Marlborough st
Fabian John, 12 Western st
Mellish John, 30 Crown st

Acton William, 21 Brighton place
Allfrey Henry, 35 William st
Allfrey James, 15 Church st
Allfrey James, 134 London road
Allwork David, Rottingdean
Awcock Sarah, 12 Russell place
Bannister Charles, 82 St. James st
Barns Chas. Fredk. C. 94 St. James st
Biggs Joseph (pork), 32 North lane
Bignall John, 123 North st
Booker Henry, 1 Frederick st
Boon George, 23 Edward st
Boon James, Kemp Town
Boon Richard, Market place
Brattle John & Wm. Little Castle sq
Bray Henry (pork), 26 Trafalgar st
Brook Arthur, St. George’s road
Burgess Henry, Union place
Burtinshaw George, 109 Edward st
Carter Richard, 3 Union st
Champion William, 1 Grand parade
Chandler John, 121 Edward st
Colley Joseph, 1 Popley place
Collins Alfred, 92 Western road
Cornwell John (pork), 14 Sillwood st
Coster Sarah, 48 Edward st
Cozens Richard, 25½ Ship st
Crunden George (pork), 11 Edward st
Davy Edward, 31 Black Lion st
Dives George, 2 Russell place
Elliott John, 80 North st
Flint Charles, 79 St. James st
Goldsmith William, 1 Sussex st
Goodman James, 32 East st
Gorringe James, 29 Grand parade
Gregory William, 35 Russell st
Grenville Isaac, 41 St. James st
Grumbridge James, 26 London road
Hall James, Popley place
Harmer Thomas, 6 East st
Harmes Robert, 84 Trafalgar st
Hart John (pork), 52 West st
Heather Stephen, 34 Upper North st
Hills John, 1 Trafalgar st
Hills Michael, 7 George st
Hills Richard, 67 West st
Hills Thomas, 58 Preston st
Hobbs Edwin, 14 Edward st
Holland George, 87 St. James st
Holman Like, 34 North lane
James Thomas (pork), 40 West st
Kennard Richard, 36 Lavender st
Kenney Thos. 23 Upper St. James st
King Henry (pork), 22 Church st
King Henry (pork), 58 Western rd
King William (pork), 19 London rd
Knight John, Waterloo st
Lanaway Charles, 21 Upper Russell st
Langley Wm. 31 & 32 Brighton place
Marshall John, 25 Preston st
Marshall Richard, 10 Sussex st
Matthews George, 93 Church st
Mepham James, 100 Edward st
Mills John, 1 Cheapside
Mockett Richard (pork), 94 Church st
Moffat Thomas, 2 Middle st
Moor Charles, 84 Edward st
Myrtle & Love, West st
Myrtle Wm. Henry, 84 St. James st
Packham Jos. (pork), 40 Edward st
Packham Joseph, 58 East st
Pollard John, 75 Edward st
Richardson Benjamin, 45 Edward st
Robins William (pork), 5 George st
Salvage Robert (pork), 36 Edward st
Sawyer John, Little Castle square
Saxby Robert (pork), Union lane
Scrase John, 4 Upper St. James st
Smith William, 36 George st
Stapley John (pork), 7 Richmond st
Stening James, 5 West st
Stenning Frances, 123 London road
Sturt Thomas, 52 Western road
Taylor Edmund, 5 Western road
Taylor George, 61 Middle st
Thomas George, Russell st
Tully James, 12 Carlton st
Tuppen Henry, 36 Brighton place
Tuppen Richard, 93 St. James st
Tuppen Richard, 40 North st
Tyrrell William, Gloucester lane
Verrall Thomas, 55 Grand parade
Walkley William, 69 North st
Weston William, 8 Western st
Whitworth William, 5 Church st
Winton William, 27 Tidy st

Alderton Henry, 1 Montpelier road
Andre Edward, 39 Devonshire place
Atkins James (& chair), 31 Portland st
Bartlett Henry, 18 New road
Beves Josiah, 55 West st
Boxall William, 10 Western road
Brown William, 4 Richmond road
Bryer Thomas, North lane
Burtenshaw Richard, 18 Duke st
Collins Edward, 38 Bond st
Corbin John, Union place
Crunden Thomas, 21 New road
Dudman John, 37 Temple st
Grant Peter, Old Steyne st
Gray & Hall, 25 Duke st
Grover Robert, 10 Western st
Hill William, 120 London road
Houlden William, 17 Western road
House George, 36 Devonshire place
Humphrey William, 10 Brighton pl
Hunt & Marchant, 31 St. James st
Jackson Charles, 12 Cranbourn st
Jeffrey Robert, Mulberry square
Kilmister Matthew, Union place
Marshall George, 9 Upper Edward st
Patching & Wood, 11 Ship st
Rumball Charles Wilson, 20 Western road
Sickelmore Henry, West st
Stanbury Philip, 21 Cavendish st
Stoddard William, 12 Jew st
Toppin & Son, 110 Church st
Upton John, 15 Upper Russell st
Verrall Henry, 33 New road
Walker, George, 10 Ship st
Wymark -, Western road

Beves, Edward, Marlborough place
Box Thomas, 7 Manchester st
Bridle Henry, 1 Norfolk st
Bridle Richard, Little Preston st
Buzzacott Charles, Mount Sion place
Caffyn Henry, 13 Egremont place
Carpenter John & George, Mount st
Cheesman Geo. & Son, 30 Kensingtn st
Christmas James, 18 Western road
Colbran Henry Baker, 45 Temple st and 5 Essex st
Comber William, Market st
Corney John, 39 Cavendish st
Crees Joseph, 17 Marine st
Eastwood & Bentley, 17 Edward st
Ellyat Henry, Upper Gardiner st
Erredge Ackerson, 43 Clarence place
England William, 17 Upper Russell st
Fabian John, 12 Western st
Field William Alfred, Castle st
Fowle John, St. George’s road
Frampton Robert, 1 Tidy st
Gregory James, Bond street row
Guile George, 11 Vine st
Hayles John, Middle st
Holley Daniel, Little East st
Howell Thomas, Marlborough st
Jarvis Alfred, 60 Preston st
Kennedy George, Rottingdean
Kennedy Henry, 18 Upper Edward st
Langley George, 45 Portland st
Manwaring George, 14 Western st
Martin James, Whitecross st
Mills George, 75 St. James st
Mockford Thomas, 33 Devonshire st
Morley Frederick, 14 Warwick st
Newnham John, 11 Church st
Pelling Thomas, 54 William st
Rich William, 11 Chapel st
Saunders John, St. James’s place
Smith John, Windsor st
Smith Nathaniel, Foundry st
Sparks Charles, London road
Stevens Charles, Grenville place
Stevens Edward, 23 Brighton place
Stevens John, 13 Dean st
Ticehurst James, 17 Devonshire place
Toye William, 8 Rock st
Vine Richard, 11 Cross st
Weller Jas. Henry, Crescent Garden
Wisden William, Crown st
Wood Charles, 20 Henry st
Worsley Thomas, 40 Ship st

Caffyn John Benjn. & Chas. 53 East st
Coppard Lawrence (and looking glass manufacturer), 160 North st
Davis Benjamin, 114 Edward st
Landsell Stephen (and looking glass manufacturer), 50 East st
Stepney Samuel, 25 Western road

Bowdidge William, 4 Brighton place
Carter William, 38 Black Lion st
Ellis Fredk. & Anthony, 56 East st
Pierson William, 29 Brighton place

Lambert Jonathan, 13 Market st
Martin Sophia, 140 North st
Pescodd Beula, 7 King’s road

Cheesman William & Co. (to Her Majesty) 169 North st
Clark & Haines, 48 Preston st
Clark Samuel, 56 Edward st
Docksey Joseph, 2 Cheltenham place
Godfree Richard, 58 Upper Bedford st
Holder John, 27 Black Lion st
Saunders John, 8 Grand parade
Scarborow John, 135 North st
Stent & Holding, 9 Montpelier road
Trangmar Anthony, 114 London road
Trangmar John Tanner, Boyce st
Whitney Elizabeth, Market place
Wileman & Co. 63 Cavendish st
Wood Timothy, 83 West st

Badcock John, 128 James st
Blacklock William, 109 King’ road
Blacklock William, 32 Olde Steyne
Brew Thomas A. & Co. 71 East st
Brookhouse John, 78 Western road
Brown John, 2 Upper St. James st
Carter Benjamin, 37 St. James st
Caudle William, 127 North st
Colby John, 17 Castle square
Crocker Henry Radcliffe, 9 Western road, Hove
Glaiser, Kemp & Glaisyer, 12 North st
Gwatkin Jas. Thos. 49 Grand parade
Hawkins Thomas, 52 King’s road
Moore Richard Coley, 67 Preston st
Muriel Hy. Brook, 56 Marine parade
Mussell Thomas, 144 North st
Paine John Standen, 190 St. James st
Peake Francis, 18 North st
Sarel Thomas G. 5 St. James st
Savage William Dawson, 65 Edward st
Sparrow Robert, 95 St. James st
Thorby & Noakes, 35 North st
Tosswill John, 157 North st
Warneford Augustus, 30 Richmond pl
West Thomas, 8 Upper St. James st
White Stephen, 77 King’s Road

Abraham Lawrence, 32 St. James st
Asher Benjamin, Poplar place
Bell William, Poplar place
Hardy John, Poplar place
Hill William, 28 Edward st
Joseph Joel, 116 Edward st
Langridge Joseph, Union st
Lyons Lewis, 19 New road
Payne Benjamin, 7 Market st
Simmonds Ralph & Co. Lanes and Western road
Tamplin Elizabeth, 17 North st
Tester George, 100 Trafalgar st

BRIGHTON UNION, 17 Cavendish place – Robert Chas. Hanam, sec.
Humphreys William (BRIGHTON), Old Steyne

Attree William, Windsor st
Blaker John, 4 Regent st
Card Charles, 51 & 52 High st
Cripps Ann, 28 Richmond road
Harrison Joseph, 53 St. James st
Insoll Robert, 6 Preston st
Maiben William (& harness maker), 17 Margaret st and New Steyne st
Phillips Charles Train, Waterloo st
Streeter William, Mount st
Turner Jane, 16 Edward st

Capps Thomas Ward, 5 Castle square
Crosweller & Co. corner of North st
Crunding & Chaplin, 18 Castle square
Hine William, 52 East st
Horne & Goodman, 10 Castle square
Snow John & Co. 3 Castle square
Waughan William, 11 Castle square

(See also Coal Merchants.)
Avis Thomas, 58 King st
Bonniface John, 26 Henry st
Bonniface Richard, Little Western st
Booker Thomas, Sussex hill
Cheesman Edward, Queen’s place
Colbron William, 28 Devonshire place
Combert W. F. 55 Carlton st
Dale Thomas, 20 Church st
Godley Thomas, 2 Sussex st
Lodge Thomas, Mount st
Poppiney Richard, 23 King st
Richardson John, 7 Spring gardens
Roxbee Henry, 97 Edward st
Sargeant Henry, 48 Temple st
Shallcross Moses, Whitecross st
Spicer Ashby, Suffolk place
Stacey William, 9 Jubilee st
Stapleton Thomas, 23 Dean st
Tune George, Gloucester lane
Weller Charles, Cheapside
Wilkins Henry, Suffolk place

Ayres James, Gloucester lane
Baldey John, 5 South st
Barnett John, Russell st
Biggs William, 45 Lavender st
Casher Edward, 19 German place
Chalk John, St. James st
Cheesman George & Charles, 28 St. James st, and Northumberland yard, Hove
Collins James (to Her Majesty, and ship owner), 20 Ship st
Durrant William, 40 George st
Foord George, 11 Albion st
Hallett William, 142 Marine parade
Hill John, 3 Upper Edward st
Huggett William, 9 Russell st
Jones Elizabeth, 16 Western st
Kennard Henry, 33 Preston st
Lucas Edward, Hampton place
Martin James, 135 London road
Mitchell William, 82 Carlton st
Moon William, 10 Richmond rad
Moore Charles, 55 Upper Bedford st
Nicholson William, 23 Ivory place
O’Connor Elizabeth, St. James st
Paskins & Son, 44 Cavendish st
Patching Richard & Sons, 43 Portland st and Duke st
Phippen James, 39 Ship st
Pocock Henry, 12 Bond st
Pocock John, Sillwood st
Ranger George, 1 Upper St. James st
Revell John, 66 High st
Robins Ebenezer, 5 Manchester st
Smith William, 24 Sillwood st
Smithers & Isaacson, North st
Streeter Jonathan, 77 North st and 45 Waterloo st
Ticehurst Joseph Baker, 38 Jubilee st
Vallance, Catt & Co. West st
Webb George, Waterloo st
Wickham Richard, 47 Richmond st
Wood James, 16 Bloomsbury st

Barns George, 5 Market st
Bastick William, 22 St. James st
Bollen Thomas, 68 Western road
Carter Thomas, 120 St. James st
Cohen Solomon, Poplar place
Cripps Robert, 29 New road
Davies Thomas, 29 Preston st
Excell John Wickens, 56 Preston st
Haighton & Kennett, 16 Russell sq
Major George, 152 Marine parade
Martin William, 90 St. James st
Meads George, 14 Russell square
Meads Joseph, 91 Western road
Mutton William Sexton (to Her Majesty, late of the Senior United Service Club), 82 & 83 King’s road
Nunn John, 56 Western road
Scrase William, 7 Upper St. James st
Shaw William, 39 Old Steyne
Smith Samuel, 37 Grand parade
Walls Thomas, 31 North st

Attree William (wine), Middle st
Burden Thomas, 13 Margaret st
Buden Thomas, 3 North lane
Grace William, Little Preston st
Hunt George, 121 North st
Lowe John, 12 Cumberland place
Lower James, 13 St. James st
Manser William, 31 Bread st
Parsons Tilston, 4 Lower Bedford st
Richardson James, 66 Albion st
Saunders Henry, 23 Black Lion st
Stevens Henry, 33 Regent st

Cobb Charles, 10 Market st
Cox William, 26 George st

Baker Thomas, 10 Market st
Biggs William, Upper St. James st and 45 Lavender st
Butcher Richard, 32 Cavendish st
Dunk James, 7 Gloucester st
Dunk Jesses, 54 North Lane
Edmonds Emily, 10 Uppr. Bedford st
Elder Joseph, 51 Preston st
Gray Russell, 9 Black Lion st
Gregory John, 15 Upper Bedford st
Goddard William, 19 Gloucester st
Godley Thomas, 2 Sussex st
Hodson James & Chas. Church hill
Kennard Henry, 33 Preston st
Laker Richard, 83 Trafalgar st
Lucas Edw. (merchant), Hampton pl
Manser Francis, St. George’s road
Maskell Nathan, 41 Waterloo st
Morgan William, Union Lanes
Newnham William, 6 West st
Ockenden John, 4 Carlton st
Pannett Joseph, Brunswick st West
Soper Charles, 115 London road
Streeter Jonathan, 45 Waterloo st
Tuppin Thomas, 35 North Lane
Verrall Richard Page, 18 London rd
Vine Mary, Church hill

Barnard William, 12 Oxford st
Bartlett William, Hampton st
Beney Benjamin, Mount st
Brook John, 5 Montpelier road
Brook Joseph, 14 Henry st
Carter & Stanford, 5 St. John st
Chandler William, 16 High st
Coe John, Park dairy, Edward st
Coppard John, 92 Church st
Cowley Charles, Black rock
Evans William, 65 Western road
Evans William, 152 Edward st
Fennell John, 102 Trafalgar st
Foat Samuel, 24 Upper Bedford st
Godley Henry, 23 Wooburn place
Hews William, 30 Carlton st
Histed John, Whitecross st
Histed William, 14 Carlton st
Izard John, 30 Camelford st
Izard William, 38 Preston st
Lidbetter Bridger, Motague st
Linn John, 10 Camelford st
Marchant William, 36 Richmond road
Mutton Richard, Suffolk place
Pollard William, 20 Up. St. James st
Roots Charles, 5 Trafalgar st
Saxby John, 27 Oxford st
Sandford & Carter, Cheapside
Stephens George, 8 Market st
Thomas Thomas, 33 Russell place
Trigg George, 18 Cross st
Webb Samuel, 11 Lansdowne place
Weller Richard, St. George’s road

Fisher George, 8 Ship st
Molineux Henry, 60 Ship st

The rest of this directory entry will be transcribed in due course.... (it is very long!)


Transcribed by Mark Collins; Transcription © Mark Collins

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